Kris Award 2018
Kris Award 2018
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Design Theory and Methodology Award
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Design Theory and Methodology Award
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Best Paper Award
The American The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Best Paper AwardSociety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Best Paper Award
Robotic – Best Paper
Robotic – Best Paper
Dr Alastair Gornall awarded coveted Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Research Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Emerging from a strong pool of candidates and selected by a distinguished international panel of scholars, the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation has awarded Dr Alastair Gornall the much coveted Research Fellowship in Buddhist Studies.
Georgios Piliouras awarded the Singapore National Research Foundation Fellowship
Georgios Piliouras, an Assistant Professor within the Engineering Systems and Design Pillar at SUTD, has been awarded the prestigious Singapore National Research Foundation Fellowship for his study “Algorithmic Prediction and Practical Control of Large Scale Population Dynamics”.
AAL receives German Design Award 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany
AAL receives German Design Award 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany
Faculty/Staff Achievements 2018
Some achievements by our faculty and staff
Student Achievements – 2017
SUTD PhD Student Sun Yingxiang’s paper was recently accepted for publication in the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics journal, one of the world’s leading scientific journals in electrical and electronic engineering with an impact factor of 7.2 (one of the highest ratings in the domains of electrical and electronics engineering)
Breaking the Speed Limits of Phase-Change Memory
The Loke group is very humbled to receive a Web of Science Index’s “Highly Cited Paper” honor for our lab’s effort to make Big Data more accessible for everyone.