27 November 2023
Kendrik Tan & Selvi Yang (NCS Group) – Unboxing UX Design: The Art and Science
Kendrik Tan & Selvi Yang (NCS Group) – Unboxing UX Design: The Art and Science
6.00 pm – 7.00 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 4 (Building 2, Level 4) 8 Somapah Road
27 November 2023
Kendrik Tan & Selvi Yang (NCS Group) – Unboxing UX Design: The Art and Science
Kendrik Tan & Selvi Yang (NCS Group) – Unboxing UX Design: The Art and Science
24 November 2023
Anish Agarwal (Columbia University) – Causal Tensor Completion
We introduce a framework to formally connect causal inference with tensor completion. In particular, we represent the various potential outcomes (i.e., counterfactuals) of interest through a tensor. The key theoretical results presented are: (i) Formal identification results establishing under what missingness patterns, latent confounding, and structure on the tensor is recovery of unobserved potential outcomes possible. (ii) Introducing novel estimators to recover these unobserved potential outcomes and proving they are finite-sample consistent and asymptotically normal. Through this analysis, we show how to generalize synthetic controls to product counterfactuals under treatment, and how to do entry-wise estimation and inference for matrix completion with missing not at random (MNAR) data. The efficacy of our framework is shown on high-impact applications. These include working with: (i) TaurRx Therapeutics to identify patient sub-populations where their therapy was effective. (ii) Uber Technologies on evaluating the impact of driver engagement policies without running an A/B test. (iii) The Poverty Action Lab at MIT to make personalized policy recommendations to improve childhood immunization rates across villages in Haryana, India.
11.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 3 (Building 2, Level 4) 8 Somapah Road
21 November 2023
Yethoven Tukimin (Meta) – Building Immersive Future of Work
Yethoven Tukimin (Meta) – Building Immersive Future of Work
12.00 pm – 1.30 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 4 (Building 2, Level 4) 8 Somapah Road
17 November 2023
ARISE: Venture – Demo Day
ARISE: Venture – Demo Day
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
SUTD Campus (8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372), Room: LT5 (2.505)
15 November 2023
Women In Engineering – EPD Lecture Series in partnership with The James Dyson Foundation
Women In Engineering – EPD Lecture Series in partnership with The James Dyson Foundation
2.15 pm – 3.30 pm
15 November 2023
DH Asia Webinar Series: New Horizon of Digital Humanities? Computational Social Science and its Application by Dr. Hsuanlei Shao
DH Asia Webinar Series: New Horizon of Digital Humanities? Computational Social Science and its Application by Dr. Hsuanlei Shao
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
15 November 2023
Michael Choi (National University of Singapore) – Markov Chains + X: Markov Chain Entropy Games and the Geometry of their Nash Equilibria
Consider the following two-person mixed strategy game of a probabilist against Nature with respect to the parameters (f,B,π), where f is a convex function satisfying certain regularity conditions, B is either the set {L_i}_{i=1}^{n} or its convex hull with each L_i being a Markov infinitesimal generator on a finite state space X and π is a given positive discrete distribution on X. The probabilist chooses a prior measure μ within the set of probability measures on B denoted by P(B) and picks a L∈B at random according to μ, whereas Nature follows a pure strategy to select M∈L(π), the set of ππ-reversible Markov generators on X. Nature pays an amount D_f(M||L), the f-divergence from L to M, to the probabilist. We prove that a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium always exists, and establish a minimax result on the expected payoff of the game. This also contrasts with the pure strategy version of the game where we show a Nash equilibrium may not exist. To find approximately a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, we propose and develop a simple projected subgradient algorithm that provably converges with a rate of O(1/sqrt{t}), where t is the number of iterations. In addition, we elucidate the relationships of Nash equilibrium with other seemingly disparate notions such as weighted information centroid, Chebyshev center and Bayes risk. This talk highlights the powerful interplay and synergy between modern Markov chains theory and geometry, information theory, game theory, optimization and mathematical statistics. This is based on a joint work with Geoffrey Wolfer (RIKEN AIP), and the paper can be found in
11.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Think Tank 21 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
08 November 2023
BUILDSomething 23/24'
BUILDSomething 23/24′
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Capstone 9 (Building 2 Level 5, room 2.509) 8 Somapah Road Singapore, 487372
03 November 2023
Master of Architecture Information Session for Intake 2024
Master of Architecture Information Session for Intake 2024
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm