342 result(s)
WiOpt 2023
27 August 2023
More dates available
WiOpt 2023
WiOpt 2023 (https://esd.sutd.edu.sg/wiopt2023/), the 21st International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks, will be held during 24-27 August 2023 in Singapore. WiOpt 2023 will showcase state-of-the-art research contributions from different fields in networks. It welcomes original and high-quality submissions related to modeling, performance evaluation, and optimization of networks. The focus includes but is not limited to mobile networks, edge computing, intelligent networks, content-driven networks, cognitive networks, vehicular networks, robotic systems, Internet. In addition to the three-day main conference, which features 3 keynote speeches and approximately 50 paper presentations, WiOpt 2023 will host 5 workshops comprising an additional 50 presentations on the first day. These workshops will delve into cutting-edge subjects within the realms of communications, networking, and AI. The detailed program can be found in https://esd.sutd.edu.sg/wiopt2023/program

NTU@one-north Executive Centre 11 Slim Barracks Rise
ACE X SUTD Founder Matching Program Part II
26 August 2023
ACE X SUTD Founder Matching Program Part II
ACE X SUTD Founder Matching Program Part II

10.00 am – 3.00 pm
SUTD Campus
ARISE Venture - Regulatory amp Certification Considerations for Medtech amp Engineering Teams
25 August 2023
ARISE: Venture – Regulatory & Certification Considerations for Medtech & Engineering Teams
ARISE: Venture – Regulatory & Certification Considerations for Medtech & Engineering Teams

9.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Campus
ARISE Venture - Team Formation Building An Ideal Team
18 August 2023
ARISE: Venture – Team Formation: Building An Ideal Team
ARISE: Venture – Team Formation: Building An Ideal Team

9.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Campus
HASS Conversations in Design Technology and Society Series  Hazardous Data The Entanglements of Digital Debt in India
17 August 2023
HASS Conversations in Design, Technology, and Society Series | Hazardous Data: The Entanglements of Digital Debt in India
HASS Conversations in Design, Technology, and Society Series | Hazardous Data: The Entanglements of Digital Debt in India

1.30 pm – 3.00 pm
Meeting Room 2 (Building 1, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372
ARISE Venture - Deep Tech Commercialization Process Strategies and Operation Plans
11 August 2023
ARISE: Venture – Deep Tech Commercialization Process, Strategies and Operation Plans
ARISE: Venture – Deep Tech Commercialization Process, Strategies and Operation Plans

9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Zoom (Online)
Lavanya Marla University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Greedy Policies and Penalized Information-Relaxation Bounds for EMS Allocation and Performance Assessment
04 August 2023
Lavanya Marla (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) – Greedy Policies and Penalized Information-Relaxation Bounds for EMS: Allocation and Performance Assessment
In this talk, first, I will present an efficient data-driven computational solution and bounding approach for emergency medical service (EMS) fleet allocation and redeployment, i.e., (re-)positioning ambulances to bases to maximize the system’s service level. Using a discrete-event simulator at the core, we first model ambulance allocation as an approximately-submodular-maximization problem, and devise a simple and efficient greedy algorithm that is applicable for both static allocation and dynamic redeployment. Second, to better evaluate the efficiency of dynamic redeployment, we develop novel penalized information-relaxation bounds that avoid incurring the curse of dimensionality common to such approaches. Our bounding methods solve a hitherto open problem and help tighten regret bounds for large classes of online resource allocation problems beyond the EMS setting.

11.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Think Tank 22 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
Feng Li Shandong University - Distributed Intelligence From An Algorithmic Perspective
03 August 2023
Feng Li (Shandong University) – Distributed Intelligence: From An Algorithmic Perspective
Traditional AI algorithms entail resourceful and reliable computation infrastructure, whereas their efficacy cannot be ensured in many emerging distributed systems (e.g., sensor networks, vehicular networks, edge networks etc.). Deploying AI algorithms in these distributed systems entail many new concerns including fault tolerance, resource efficiency, privacy preservation etc. Furthermore, recent years have witnessed the development of AI algorithms, which provides a new way to improve the intellectuality of the distributed systems such that the efficacy of the systems can be guaranteed in application scenarios with uncertainty. In this talk, by following the above roadmap, I will highlight several research projects conducted by myself and my collaborators in the areas of distributed intelligence, mainly from an algorithmic perspective.

3.00 pm – 4.00 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 3 (Building 2, Level 4) 8 Somapah Road
Eugene Lim GOVTECH  Reverse Engineering Cryptographic Implementations in Software and Teo Sui Guan GOVTECH  Cryptography and its use in Government
25 July 2023
Eugene Lim (GOVTECH) – Reverse Engineering Cryptographic Implementations in Software and Teo Sui Guan (GOVTECH) – Cryptography and its use in Government
Eugene Lim (GOVTECH) – Reverse Engineering Cryptographic Implementations in Software and Teo Sui Guan (GOVTECH) – Cryptography and its use in Government

9.00 am – 11.00 am
SUTD Think Tank 9/10 (Building 1, Level 4) 8 Somapah Road
ARISE Part 1 Market Validation Presentation Day
21 July 2023
ARISE Part 1: Market Validation Presentation Day
ARISE Part 1: Market Validation Presentation Day

2.15 pm – 4.50 pm
SUTD Campus