342 result(s)
Wei Sun IBM T J Watson Research Center - Counterfactual-based Prescriptive Trees
07 December 2022
Wei Sun (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) – Counterfactual-based Prescriptive Trees
In this talk, we will present a framework on prescriptive analytics that has been successfully applied to several clients’ projects including a major US airline and a large financial institution. The framework consists of a causal teacher model which produces counterfactual outcomes corresponding to different treatment actions, and a prescriptive student model which distills a set of policies that optimizes a given objective in the form of a tree. The prescriptive tree can be built greedily as demonstrated in our ICML 2021 paper. As the greedy heuristic is unable to incorporate constraints that are ubiquitous, in our AAAI 2022 publication, we introduce a scalable mixed-integer program (MIP) approach that solves the constrained prescriptive policy generation problem via column generation.


11.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Think Tank 20 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
James Trevelyan The University of Western Australia - Engineering Practice - Social Science Research
23 November 2022
James Trevelyan (The University of Western Australia) – Engineering Practice – Social Science Research
Social science and humanities research could help overcome these weaknesses. The chapter shows how South Asian culture influences engineering practice and offers suggestions for social science and humanities scholars seeking rewarding research opportunities.

11.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Think Tank 19 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
Advance Higher Education Fellowships at SUTD  Dr Chandrima Chatterjee
08 November 2022
Advance Higher Education Fellowships at SUTD – Dr Chandrima Chatterjee
Congratulations to Senior Lecturer Chandrima Chatterjee, who has been recognized internationally as having achieved the status of Fellow by AdvanceHE.

The Fellowship recognizes personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. This involved submitting a reflective portfolio of teaching practices, with supportive evidences.

 Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang awarded the Shimadzu-SNIC Industry Award in Applied and Translational Chemistry 2022
31 October 2022
Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang awarded the Shimadzu-SNIC Industry Award in Applied and Translational Chemistry 2022
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang for receiving the Shimadzu-SNIC Industry Award in Applied and Translational Chemistry 2022!


Mingmei Li amp Benjamin Tan Singapore University of Technology and Design - Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute
26 October 2022
Mingmei Li & Benjamin Tan (Singapore University of Technology and Design) – Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute
Mingmei Li & Benjamin Tan (Singapore University of Technology and Design) – Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute

10.30 am – 11.30 am
SUTD Think Tank 20 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
 Advance Higher Education Fellowships at SUTD  Dr Tan Mei Xuan
10 October 2022
Advance Higher Education Fellowships at SUTD – Dr Tan Mei Xuan
Congratulations to Senior Lecturer Tan Mei Xuan, who has been recognized internationally as having achieved the status of Fellow by AdvanceHE.

The Fellowship recognizes personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. This involved submitting a reflective portfolio of teaching practices, with supportive evidences.

Vishal Gupta USC Marshall School of Business - Data Pooling in Stochastic Optimization for Panel Data
28 September 2022
Vishal Gupta (USC Marshall School of Business) – Data Pooling in Stochastic Optimization for Panel Data
Very often, modern datasets in operations research have a panel structure — we observe data for many of distinct “units”, but for each unit we observe only a handful of relevant data points. As an example, consider a large online retailer where we observe data from thousands of distinct products, but each product typically has only a few sales. The dominant intuition when solving stochastic optimization problems in such settings is that we should “learn from similar units”, e.g., we might use covariates to cluster similar units and pool their data together when solving optimization problems. This intuition (in some form or the other) pervades most modern approaches to contextual stochastic optimization. Conversely, this intuition also suggests that if units are not “similar” in any way, aggregating data can only hurt us and we might as well treat each unit separately.

10.30 am – 10.30 am
SUTD Think Tank 19 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Leo Chen Hueis graduate student in winning the best oral presentation award
28 September 2022
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Leo Chen Huei’s graduate student in winning the best oral presentation award
Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang together with Assistant Professor Leo Chen Huei’s PhD student, Shanmugham Meyammai, presented their research work titled “Time Dependent Activation of TMAO Induced Apoptosis and Inflammation on Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells” in the Monash-INITIATE 2022 online conference. The research work was done under the supervision of Assistant Professor Leo Chen Huei.

Mey’s abstract was selected for oral presentation, and she won the Third Prize of the Best Oral Presentation Award, Monash Initiate 2022. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogangs Graduate Students in Winning the HPC Innovation Challenge for the Environment 2022
27 September 2022
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang’s Graduate Students in Winning the HPC Innovation Challenge for the Environment 2022
SUTD Team won the 2nd Runner-Up Prize in the HPC Innovation Challenge for the Environment competition in September 2022. This competition intends to explore how we can tackle environmental challenges using High-Performance Computing (HPC). The SUTD team, consisting of Miss Wu Xia and Mr. Shen Tianruo, focused on the computation-aided design of “small” and “red” fluorophores (namely ‘Singapore Red”) for bioimaging and biosensing applications. Their computational design minimizes ‘trial-and-error’ in experimental synthesis and thereby reduces waste generation during the development of chemical products. This design-centric approach offers a new route to greening chemical synthesis and reducing carbon emission and waste discharge to the environment.

Both Wu Xia and Tianruo are from the Science, Mathematics and Technology Cluster, supervised by Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang.

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogangs Graduate Students in Winning the HPC Innovation Challenge for the Environment 2022
27 September 2022
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang’s Graduate Students in Winning the HPC Innovation Challenge for the Environment 2022
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Liu Xiaogang’s Graduate Students in Winning the HPC Innovation Challenge for the Environment 2022