225 result(s)
COVID-19 and Challenges to the Future of Work
21 May 2020

Should countries speed up automation? Or should they slow down automation to preserve jobs?

COVID-19 and its Impact on Remote Work
20 May 2020

Even before our current situation, remote work, as a form of work arrangement, had become increasingly popular.

Seniors turn to tech to connect
17 May 2020

More are picking up new tools such as Zoom, Houseparty and Facebook livestreaming

Tech is changing the way people help each other
12 May 2020

Rise of online social networks, cloud-based sharing have lowered barriers to starting, supporting such initiatives.

Coronavirus: Parenting changes amid pandemic
10 May 2020

While the circuit breaker period has intensified the load for some mums, many are seeing their husbands pull their weight at home and are also enjoying the quality time with their kids

Screen time without guilt during Covid-19
03 May 2020

When the circuit breaker measures were announced almost a month ago, Dr Andrew Yee quickly drew up a home-based learning timetable for his four-year-old son.

Covid-19 outbreak brings migrant workers from margin to centre of Singapore’s attention
30 April 2020

Covid-19 has brought to the fore foreign workers and their living conditions. It’s time to rethink how we treat this group who are our guests, to whom we owe a duty of care.

A New World
24 April 2020

How will the planet and our urban environment look when the Covid-19 pandemic is over?

Home-based learning – a look at three homes
19 April 2020

Besides the availability of devices, other factors such as the physical environment, parental skills and connectivity issues can determine how much children can reap from such learning

Three times that the world coughed, and Singapore caught the bug
19 April 2020

Be it ‘Spanish’, ‘Asian’ or ‘Hong Kong’, deadly flu pandemics have taken their toll here – with the first hitting hard migrant workers from India. Sounds familiar? Insight looks back to learn more.