Communications and Information: Leading Smart Nation push while curbing database breaches
01 April 2018
Communications and Information: Leading Smart Nation push while curbing database breaches
Fake news, the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal, and fears over abuse of surveillance data amid plans by the Government to roll out an interconnected network of smart lamp posts here.
New 4D Printer Could Reshape Our Lives
31 March 2018
New 4D Printer Could Reshape Our Lives
From moon landings to mobile phones, many of the farfetched visions of science fiction have transformed into reality. In the latest example…
SUTD named one of top emerging engineering school in the world
30 March 2018
SUTD named one of top emerging engineering school in the world
A new study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) named SUTD as one of the top four emerging engineering courses in the world.
Work to preserve Tanjong Pagar Railway Station on track
29 March 2018
Work to preserve Tanjong Pagar Railway Station on track
It took five months for the half-kilometre-long Tanjong Pagar Railway Station platform canopies to be carefully cut into 63 pieces, each…
Hold tech firms, social media platforms accountable, say students
29 March 2018
Hold tech firms, social media platforms accountable, say students
Technology companies and social media platforms should be required to monitor content and held liable for failing to take down offending…
29 March 2018
国际研究报告显示,新加坡国立大学是在工程教育方面领先的全球十所大学之一,也是美国和北欧地区以外,唯一晋身十强的大学。 美国麻省理工学院的研究员是在访问近180名工程界的领袖,并结合4所大学的个案研究后,得出这个结论。…
Reimagining and rethinking engineering education
27 March 2018
Reimagining and rethinking engineering education
New MIT report takes a worldwide look at the future of how engineers are trained.
Deepening national AI capabilities – What is AI Singapore and what does it do
27 March 2018
Deepening national AI capabilities – What is AI Singapore and what does it do
The programme has three pillars: AI research, AI technology and AI innovations. The first is about fundamental research, the second seeks…
Are you the Disruptor or the Disrupted – Indonesia OpenGov Leadership Forum 2018 report
26 March 2018
Are you the Disruptor or the Disrupted – Indonesia OpenGov Leadership Forum 2018 report
The beauty of exciting, emerging technologies does not lie in the cool things that can be done with them. Rather it lies in the way these…
Facebook数据泄露丑闻 专家:用户需有自我保护意识
25 March 2018
Facebook数据泄露丑闻 专家:用户需有自我保护意识
Facebook数据泄露丑闻持续发酵。《科技一点通》就带你了解整个来龙去脉。 事件的源头是Facebook的一个心理测试游戏。一名分析员几年前设计了一个心理测试游戏后放到了Facebook上,再花钱请27万人上Facebook进行心理测试。…