Time to break free of the incessant tech upgrade cycle
Prof Lim Sun Sun writes for the Straits Times in a monthly column on technology and society.
ST rates S’pore’s response to Covid-19: Getting the message across
With virus restrictions changing throughout the pandemic and misinformation widespread on social media, good communication was necessary to make sure the right message got across.
The Big Read: Generational gap — a bridge too far or are we making too much of it?
Whenever intergenerational animosity surfaces, barbs such as “boomers are out of touch”, “millennials are entitled” and “Gen Zs are softies …
Fighting for Data Dregs – and Losing The Fight Against Digital Violence
With more countries adopting legislation to tackle digital violence, there is hope in the battle against online abuse, write Sun Sun Lim of the Singapore University of Technology and Design and Roland Bouffanais of the University of Ottawa.
How Singapore firms are ramping up employee perks in fight for talent
Even though the entire workforce has been allowed back to the workplace, the jury is still out as to whether the Great Return to the Office will take place across the board.
TechTalks: What is the fuss over Twitter's 'missing' edit button?
Prof Lim Sun Sun writes for the Straits Times in a monthly column on technology and society.
Twitter users may see more fake news, hate speech after Elon Musk takeover
Under Singapore’s fake news law, ministers can order websites, social media platforms and individual users to take down a piece of falsehood or ask for corrections to be put up alongside it.
TechTalks: Lessons from the design of $100 CDC digital vouchers
Prof Lim Sun Sun writes for the Straits Times in a monthly column on technology and society.
IN FOCUS: Beyond diversity quotas and anti-discrimination laws, can Singapore embrace gender equality at the workplace?
With gender inequality among the issues set to be tackled by initiatives laid out in the White Paper on Singapore Women’s Development, CNA …
Half of 1,000 S'poreans polled have experienced online harms
Nearly half of over 1,000 Singaporeans polled have personally experienced online harms, the bulk of whom were aged 15 to 35, a survey has …