Speech by President of Singapore Institute of Architects, Mr Theodore Chan
Speech by President of Singapore Institute of Architects, Mr Theodore Chan at the SUTD-SIA MOU Signing Ceremony on 29 Aug 2012
Speech by SUTD’s Chancellor & President of Singapore, Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam
Speech by SUTD’s Chancellor & President of Singapore, Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam at the University Inauguration Ceremony on 7 May 2012
Speech by SUTD Pro tem Student Council President, Ms Sharlene Wong
Speech by SUTD Pro tem Student Council President, Ms Sharlene Wong at the University Inauguration Ceremony on 7 May 2012
Speech by SUTD President, Professor Thomas Magnanti
Speech by SUTD President, Professor Thomas Magnanti at the University Inauguration Ceremony on 7 May 2012
Speech by MIT Associate Provost, Professor Philip Khoury
Speech by MIT Associate Provost, Professor Philip Khoury at the University Inauguration Ceremony on 7 May 2012
President Tony Tan officiates at celebrations at the Inauguration Ceremony of SUTD
The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) marked the official commencement of its undergraduate academic year with an Inauguration Ceremony today. The Inauguration Ceremony was officiated by the President of Singapore Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, who is also the University’s Chancellor, before a rousing gathering comprising SUTD’s pioneer batch of undergraduate students and faculty members.
MIT and SUTD Open International Design Centre
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and its key collaborator, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), jointly opens a new facility today – the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (IDC). The IDC is a joint research design centre of SUTD and MIT with facilities at both universities, in Singapore as well as MIT in Boston.