Congratulations to our faculty who have been awarded research projects – Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD)
Congratulations to our faculty who have been awarded research projects – Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD)
20 Aug 2020
Let us congratulate to our faculty who have been awarded the following research projects for 1H2020 (Jan to Jun, 2020).
A*STAR Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) Programmatic
Sub-award – Accelerating Homomorphic Encryption
Co-PI: Pawel Szalachowski

Sub-award – K-EMERGE: Knowledge Extraction, Modelling, and Explainable Reasoning for General Expertise
Co-PI: Soujanya Poria

A*STAR Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) IAF-PP
Sub-award – Automated Ontology Builder from Maintenance Manuals
Co-PI: Lu Wei

MOE Tier-2 – Massive, Ultra-Reliable, and Low-Latency Wireless Communications
PI: Tony Quek

Sub-award – A IoT-Enabled Smart Grid Applications for Sustainable and Resilient Digital Ports in Singapore
Co-PI: David Yau