Dr Keegan Kang Receives Outstanding Mentor Award
The Science Mentorship Programme (SMP) 2019 is an annual programme which provides students opportunities to engage in cutting edge research with mentors in local AUs and research institutions. The students eventually showcase their posters at the Youth Science Conference 2019, which was held at Singapore Polytechnic this year. This programme is organized by the Gifted Education Branch (MOE).
Four participating student groups from NUS High (2), River Valley (1), and Singapore Chinese Girls School (1), mentored by SUTD faculty Dr Keegan Kang, presented their research at the Youth Science Conference. Out of these four groups, two received participation awards, one received a merit award, and one won the 3M Best Project Award under the Mathematics / Computer Science category.
Our SUTD faculty have also received awards at the event, with Professor Pey receiving a token of appreciation, Professor Wu Ping receiving an Outstanding Contribution award as SUTD’s instutition coordinator, and Dr Keegan Kang receiving an Outstanding Mentor award.
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