Faculty and staff Achievements – 2010 to 2015

01 Jan 2015

A team of SUTD faculty, researchers and students led by Thomas Schroepfer, Professor and Associate Head of Pillar,  won the 1st Prize in the Parametric Modelling Design Ideas Competition organised by the Singapore Institute of Architects in 2013. The competition asked for a proposal for the Archifest Pavilion at Dhoby Ghaut Green that is based on parametric principles and a computational framework that allow for an exploration of new fundamentals and relationships in architectural design, including spatial planning, data visualisation, and structural design. 
SUTD’s winning entry is a structure designed with state-of-the-art computational simulation tools that analyse environmental data such as daylight factors providing a building skin that generates both the shading and visual effects of lush foliage of tropical trees. The filtering effect of the building skin produces intricate geometric patterns of varying porosities that simulate the beautiful play of light and shade provided by tropical nature. 
The project was widely published and further developed for invited exhibitions at the Venice Biennale and the Singapore National Design Centre Singapore in 2014. The project further led to the team’s appointment to design the structural building envelope for The Future of Us exhibition, Singapore’s 50th Anniversary capstone event, at Gardens by the Bay in 2015. 

2014 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award for Culture Heritage Conservation Award of Merit (Ngee Ann Kongsi’s Wak Hai Cheng Bio (Yueh Hai Ching Temple) Restoration Project) 

2014 URA’s Architectural Heritage Award (Ngee Ann Kongsi’s Wak Hai Cheng Bio (Yueh Hai Ching Temple) Restoration Project) 

Vernacular Architecture Award from National Architecture Institute of China (NAIC)
  • All the 3 awards received by Yeo Kang Shua are from the same project: Wak Hai Cheng Bio Restoration Project.
  • This project garners two international awards and one local national award.
  • UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award is the most prestigious conservation project award given internationally at the Asia-Pacific region. This is his third such awards, having won in 2005, 2010 and 2014.
  • The second international award for the project is from China. National Architecture Institute of China (NAIC) is the country’s state sanctioned society/association for vernacular architecture. 
  • The third award is a local national award given by the Urban Redevelopment Authority. It is a national award to recognise conservation projects.

“Interior of the Year Award” under DISPLAY Category for IDC Space Design

IDC Gallery is an interior retrofit project for the International Design Center at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, which received an international design award and media coverage as a winner of INSIDE 2014, Display category. The space features expressive three dimensional distributions of custom designed light fixtures creating an ambient spatial experience without shadow suitable for IDC research activities and exhibition functions. 

Ms Jaclyn Lee, Senior Director of Human Resources, conferred with a PhD in Management from University of Twente

Ms Jaclyn Lee, Senior Director of HR, has obtained a PhD in Management from the University of Twente on December 1st, 2015. This is an outcome of a successful collaboration  between Twente and SUTD, since the two universities sealed a collaborative agreement some two years back.  Ms Lee’s PhD dissertation focused on designing a new artifact that combined theory from organisational change and group support systems through the use of an Action Design Research methodology. This project involved professors from both Twente and SUTD and is the first joint PhD project in the recently started and growing collaboration between the two universities.  The PhD was conferred by Rector Magnificus Professor Ed Brinksma in a defence ceremony held in  Enschede, Netherlands.

Assistant Professor Piliouras participated in research programme at UC Berkeley

ESD’s Assistant Professor Georgios Piliouras is one of nine researchers who have been invited to participate as fellows at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley. 
The goal of this premier research institute is to bring together the world’s leading researchers and scholars in theoretical computer science. SUTD is the only Asian university which is represented by a research fellow in the Economics and Computation research programme, beside other universities such as Stanford, Princeton, Columbia and Georgia Tech.

Associate Provost Yeo has been named an IEEE Fellow

The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. Associate Provost Yeo Kiat Seng is being recognized for contributions to low-power integrated circuit design. 

Professor Chan Heng Chee was awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of Warwick. Let’s hear what Professor Chan has to say about receiving this honour. [read the full text of the speech

Singapore Effies Award 2015, Bronze award for SUTD Exam Survival Kit

The SUTD Exam Survival Kit campaign garnered a bronze award in the Brand Experience category during the 2015 Singapore Effie Awards.

Singapore Effies Award 2015, Bronze award for SUTD Exam Survival KitThis category is not for efforts that focused on TV, radio or print ads, to connect with an audience. It is meant to showcase how you can create a brand experience beyond traditional advertising.

The winners of this award will be the work that shows how advertisers are reaching out to their audiences to establish meaningful relationships, memorable, engaging experiences, and unique connections with their brands. Entrants in the Brand Experience category must address how the brand experience related back to the overall brand strategy. 

SUTD sought to attract a greater number of students for its Admissions Talk in December 2014. With a highly constrained ad budget, and given that the stressful A level period was a highly difficult time to capture the students’ attention, we decided to turn our disadvantage into an advantage, and give students some encouragement by distributing “Exam Survival Kits”.

SUTD was awarded a Singapore HEALTH Award in recognition of excellence in Workplace Health Promotion programmes.

Singapore HEALTH Award logoThis Award recognises SUTD as a caring employer who values our employees’ health and wellbeing. 

Our ESD Assistant Professor Giacomo Nannicini was awarded the 2015 Prix Robert Faure. The Robert Faure prize (in tribute to Professor Robert Faure, pioneer of Operations Research in France) is awarded by the French Society of Operations Research and Decision Support (ROADEF). It aims to promote original contributions in the field of decision support and operations research. This award is given every 3 years to a member of ROADEF under 35 years. More details about the prize can be found here (in French).

Our Head of Pillar of ISTD, Professor Aditya Mathur and one of his postdocs, Giedre Sabaliauskaite, received the best academic paper at the the recent 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management. More details can be found here


Our in-house library Pavilion design received the 2014 President’s Design Award. This is the first time SUTD has received Singapore’s most prestigious design accolade. The small 300 square-meter structure joins the ranks of past winners such as the Gardens by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park etc. Since its establishment in 2006, 65 Designs of the Year have been conferred the Award. 

Press Release
Project information on the President’s Design Award website

The team from City Form Lab at SUTD (Andres Sevtsuk, Onur Ekmekci and Martin Scoppa), together with Hansen Partnership (Melbourne), The World Bank (Jakarta) and the City Government of Surabaya won the Urban Design Award for their work on the Surabaya Urban Corridor Development Program, in the 2014 Victorian Landscape Architecture Awards. Read more about the win here.

Professor Kristin L. Wood elected a Fellow of ASME

Professor Kristin L. Wood, EPD Head of Pillar was elected a Fellow of ASME

The Fellow grade is truly a distinction among ASME members.

The ASME Committee of Past Presidents confers the Fellow grade of membership on worthy candidates to recognise their outstanding engineering achievements. Nominated by ASME Members and Fellows, an ASME Member has to have 10 or more years of active practice and at least 10 years of active corporate membership in ASME.

A Fellow, one who has attained a membership grade of distinction, at the time of advancement shall be a corporate member of the Society, shall have been responsible for significant engineering achievements, and shall have not less than 10 years of active practice and 10 years of corporate membership in ASME.

Provost Chong awarded Leadership in Research and Development Award conferred by the ASME Information Storage & Processing Systems (ISPS) Division

SUTD’s Provost Professor Chong Tow Chong was conferred the Leadership in Research and Development Award by the ASME ISPS Division for his contribution in multidisciplinary research by the ASME community in addition to the IEEE community.

This is the first time this award has been conferred to an individual.

HR Award for Leading HR Practices in Compensation & Rewards Management 

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SUTD has been awarded the SHRI National Award for our best practices in compensation and reward management. This Award emphasises compensation, salary, benefits and rewards management programmes and systems that meet business needs, such as cost effectiveness, business growth, retention, performance etc. The Singapore HR Awards organised by Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) serves as an excellent platform to promote and recognise excellence within the HR profession in Singapore.

DETC2014-35137: Designettes: New Approaches to Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Education

This paper features our educational research on Designettes, received the Best Paper Award (International Conference on Design Education). The paper was presented at the IDETC Conference, Design Education sub-conference in August 2014.

  • Cassandra Telenko (IDC Postdoc and MIT Graduate Fellow)
  • Bradley Camburn (PhD student)
  • Katja Hölttä-Otto (Associate Professor)
  • Kristin L. Wood (Professor)
  • Kevin Otto (Associate Professor) 

Outstanding Paper Award at The 2014 Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design

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Assistant Professor Andres Sevtsuk and IDC Researcher Raul Kalvo received the Outstanding Paper Award at The 2014 Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design on 14 Apr 2014 for their “A Freeform Surface Fabrication Method with 2D Cutting” paper. 

King-Sun Fu Best Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics for the year 2013

David Braun has received the ‘King-Sun Fu Best Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics for the year 2013′ for the paper ‘Robots Driven by Compliant Actuators: Optimal Control under Actuation Constraints‘ – David Braun, Florian Petit, Felix Huber, Sami Haddadin, Patrick van der Smagt, Alin Albu-Schäffer and Sethu Vijayakumar. The paper appeared in Volume 29, No. 5, pages 1085-1101, 2013. 

IEEE T-RO is one of the highest impact journals in robotics. It typically receives over 650 submissions each year. The King-Sun Fu Award recognises the best paper published annually in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics based on technical merit, originality, potential impact on the field, clarity of presentation, and practical significance for applications. 

Early Career Research Excellence Award

Stefano Galelli won the Early Career Research Excellence Award from the International Environmental Modeling and Software Society (iEMSs), in recognition of his research contributions. An award ceremony will be held during the iEMS 2014 conference in San Diego, California on June 15-19 2014.

2 regional finalists for the 13th annual MIT Technology Review magazine’s 35 Innovators under 35 (TR35) Awards

Out of 10 regional finalists for the 13th annual MIT Technology Review magazine’s 35 Innovators under 35 (TR35) Awards, 2 of them are from SUTD. The 10 regional finalists are eligible for the global list, for which 35 Innovators under 35 years of age as of 1 October will be celebrated at the EmTech 2014 event held in Boston, Massachusetts. 

Suranga Chandima Nanayakkara, Singapore, Director and Principal Investigator at the Augmented Senses Research Group at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) for his work designing innovative devices for audio-visually impaired people

Desmond Loke, Singapore, Postdoctoral Fellow, Engineering Product Development at Singapore University of Technology and Design and Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his work developing a new method using priming to speed up phase-change memory in technology

Photo credit: EmTech Singapore

Control Profiles of Complex Networks

A paper by Justin Ruths (SUTD) and Derek Ruths (McGill University) has been published by the prestigious journal “Science”. Read the perspective piece produced by the journal on the paper.

iSwarm installation at i Light Marina Bay 2014

The project titled “iSwarm”, a floating large-scale interactive light installation, is on display from 7 to 30 March 2014 at Marina Bay. The project was selected by the i Light 2014 Curatorial Team for implementation last fall and has been funded by Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and Philips Lighting. 

This is a multi-disciplinary project between SUTD’s Advanced Architectural Design Laboratory (AADL) and Augmented Senses Group (ASG): < >AADL: Thomas Schroepfer (Associate Professor, ASD and Principal Investigator), Alex Cornelius, Khew Yu Nong, Aloysius Lian, Thomas Wortmann (Researchers)ASG: Suranga Nanayakkara (Assistant Professor, EPD) and Yeo Kian Peen (Researcher) 

Glover-Klingman Prize

Giacomo Nannicini and his co-authors won the Glover-Klingman Prize for the best paper published in the journal Networks in 2012. There were nearly 60 papers published in Networks in 2012. The winning paper was selected by a panel from the editorial board. The paper is titled “Bidirectional A* Search on Time-Dependent Road Networks” and is authored by G. Nannicini, D. Delling, D. Schultes and L. Liberti. In this paper, the authors propose a new theoretical and practical framework for the computation of fastest paths in road networks with dynamic traffic information. Their approach pioneered the efficient computation of optimal routes on large-scale networks affected by traffic disruptions. 

SUTD library pavilion won the “Timber Structure of the Year” award

Three months after its official launch, the SUTD library pavilion won the “Timber Structure of the Year” award in the category of Plywood Structures at the Timber Architecture Conference at the Modern Art Museum in Tallinn, Estonia. 

SUTD’s City Form Lab is mainly responsible for the design process of this pavilion which can house more than a hundred. In addition, more than a hundred students participated its construction. However, the initial conceptual design came from four Year-two students, Dexter Chew, Avery Khoo, Goh Yi Qian and Soh En Wei. They are currently studying Architecture and Sustainable Design, Engineering Product Development and Information Systems Technology and Design. Find out more about the design.

Design: City Form Lab (Andres Sevtsuk, Raul Kalvo) and Team ORD. 
Client: SUTD Library (Julie S Sabaratnam)
Engineers: ARUP (Mike King, Benjamin Sitler, Russel Cole)
Builder: Arina International Hogan (AIH)
Sponsors: AIH, Autodesk. 

2013 MINDEF-SUTD Temasek Research Fellowship (TRF) Award  

SUTD research fellow, Jemin Lee, was the only awardee across the 3 local universities offering engineering degrees for the 2013 TRF award with her research proposal – Network Engineering Techniques for Wireless Security (NETS).

The project emphasises the importance of security for wireless communications, it aims to achieve improved network security and elevate security level through her four proposed methodologies: Physical-Layer Security Techniques; Energy-Efficient Security Algorithm; Integrated-Layer Security Design and Security Technique Implementation.

The Temasek Research Fellowship (TRF) scheme recruits outstanding young researchers with PhD degree in science or technology, with postdoctoral working experience. The scheme provides selected young researchers an opportunity to conduct and lead research that is relevant to defence. 

Associate Professor elected a Fellow of ASME 

Kevin Otto, Associate Professor of EPD pillar, was elected a Fellow of ASME. The Fellow grade is truly a distinction among ASME members.

The ASME Committee of Past Presidents confers the Fellow grade of membership on worthy candidates to recognise their outstanding engineering achievements. Nominated by ASME Members and Fellows, an ASME Member has to have 10 or more years of active practice and at least 10 years of active corporate membership in ASME.

A Fellow, one who has attained a membership grade of distinction, at the time of advancement shall be a corporate member of the Society, shall have been responsible for significant engineering achievements, and shall have not less than 10 years of active practice and 10 years of corporate membership in ASME.

First Prize in the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) Young Architects League (YAL) Parametric Modelling Design Ideas Competition

SUTD’s Advanced Architectural Design Laboratory (AADL) – Thomas Schroepfer (Principle Investigator), Aloysius Lian (Researcher), Thomas Wortmann (Researcher) and Chen Yutong (Student Researcher) – won First Prize in the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) Young Architects League (YAL) Parametric Modelling Design Ideas Competition.

The proposal for a temporary structure located at Dhoby Ghaut Green emerged from an in-depth study of site conditions including existing pedestrian networks, shading plants and urban views. The project analyses daylight factors and structural displacements and uses computational simulations to define density requirements for the structure’s skin. A parametric model translates these requirements into an intricate geometric pattern of varying porosity, proposed as pre-fabricated, CNC-milled, wooden panels.

A rapid-prototyped model of the award-winning SUTD design is exhibited from 27 September to 13 October as part of Archifest 2013 at the main event venue at Dhoby Ghaut Green. Find out more about the design. 

Best Game in the 5th Independent Games Festival (IGF) China 2013 

One Upon Light (designed and developed by SUTD Game Lab) has been awarded Best Game in the 5th Independent Games Festival (IGF) China 2013. The IGF China Awards celebrate the best in independent gaming in the Asia-Pacific region, and the Best Game Award recognises the best overall game from more than 250 entries, with One Upon Light emerging as the best among 8 finalists in the main competition. Find out more about the game. 

SUTD presented with AWARE’s Cause of the Year (Education) Award

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SUTD was presented with the Cause of the Year (Education) Award for promoting gender balance in male dominated disciplines. 

This was the first time that a Institute of Higher Learning has received the award.

Professor Tom Magnanti, our President, received the award on behalf of SUTD.

IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2013 – Applied Research and Development

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Yang Hui Ying received the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award (Applied Research and Development) for her project titled “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology for Sustainable Water Solutions: Purification and Desalination”. The Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards are given to an organisation or persons responsible for an outstanding engineering project in Singapore. Find out more about her project.

Note: IES is the short form for The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES).

Using Video to Tie Engineering Themes to Foundational Concepts

This paper received the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2013 Best Conference Paper Award. It describes the work the authors (D. Shah, J. French, J. Rankin, L. Breslow, Teaching and Learning Lab, MIT) did with SUTD to identify pivotal concepts in an undergraduate engineering and design curriculum, and their production of almost 50 videos (most narrated by MIT faculty) to help students master those concepts. 

The Role of Contracts and Partnership Structure in New Product Development 

This doctoral dissertation by Niyazi Taneri received the 2013 ISPIM – Wiley Higher Education Best Dissertation Award. The award, given out jointly by the International Society for Professional Innovation Management and Wiley, is for dissertations on Innovation Management. There were more than 150 nominees from 40 countries (nominated by their advisors or institutions). The dissertations were evaluated on Impact, Innovativeness, Scientific Rigor and Communication.

HR Award for Excellence in Manpower Resourcing & Planning 

SUTD won a national award for excellence in our manpower resourcing and planning strategies. This award is given to organisations who have put in place a good system for recruiting talents, and the judges recognised SUTD’s efforts in attracting global and local talents to join our start up institution. The Singapore HR Awards is organised yearly by Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) and it celebrates leading organisations and HR practitioners in their drive for impactful human capital strategies.

SUTD 2013 Women’s Campaign won Silver Effie Award in Education Category

SUTD won a Silver Effie Award in the Education category for the SUTD Women’s campaign. 

The campaign exceeded its objective of reaching SUTD’s female intake of over 40% of overall student enrollment.

This is more than two times the usual enrollment in engineering courses in any institution overseas.

SUTD 2013 Women’s Campaign won “Best Idea for a Female Audience” at the MARKies

SUTD won the award for the “Best Idea for a Female Audience” for our 2013 Women’s Campaign.

The campaign were also nominated for the following awards:

  • Best Idea – Integrated Media
  • Best Idea – Print (STJobs & STClassifieds)
  • Best Idea – TV (STCars)
  • Best Idea – Radio (STCards & STJobs) 

Towards an Adaptive Urban Transportation System 

Evaluated as the best research proposal out of the 10 presented to the panel of judges at Global Young Scientists Summit 2013 – Singapore Challenge, Lynette Cheah was presented with a Singapore Challenge medallion by President Tony Tan and awarded a prize of US$100,000 to pursue her research interests. 

  • Lynette Cheah, A*STAR & Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Dr Francisco Pereira, Singapore-MIT alliance’s Future of Urban Mobility Group 
  • Dr Erik Wilhelm, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Je­ McAulay, Fraunhofer USA Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems 
  • Don MacKenzie, pursuing PhD in Engineering Systems at MIT
  • Stephen Zoepf, pursuing PhD in Engineering Systems at MIT

Cognitive Network Interference, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 29, No. 2, February 2011, pp. 480-493

This paper received the IEEE Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize in the Field of Communications Networking (2012). The award is given annually to the best original paper published in any journal financially sponsored or co-sponsored by the Communications Society in the previous 3 calendar years. 

  • Alberto Rabbachin 
  • Tony Q.S. Quek (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
  • Hyundong Shin 
  • Moe Z. Win

Production-Inventory Systems with Imperfect Advance Demand Information and Updating

This paper received the Kuhn 2012 Award from Naval Research Logistics (NRL). The award is presented annually to “an exceptional paper published in NRL during the previous three years”. 

  • Saif Benjaafar, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • William L. Cooper, University of Minnesota
  • Setareh Mardan, PROS

DETC2012-70420: The Meaning of ‘Near’ and ‘Far’: The Impact of Structuring Design Databases and the Effect of Distance of Analogy on Design Output”

View Award ] 

This paper received a Best Paper Award at the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) 2012. 

  • Katherine Fu, Carnegie Mellon University 
  • Joel Chan, University of Pittsburgh 
  • Jonathon Cagan, Carnegie Mellon University 
  • Kenneth Kotovsky, Carnegie Mellon University 
  • Christian Schunn, University of Pittsburgh 
  •  Kristin Wood, Singapore University of Technology and Design

AC 2012-4004: A Symphony of Designiettes – Exploring the Boundaries of Design Thinking in Engineering Education

This paper received a Best of Design in Engineering recognition at the ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference 2012. The paper discusses definitions, supporting pedagogy, literature, and basic methods for developing and executing designettes as part of higher education. 

  • Prof. Kristin L. Wood, University of Texas, Austin
  • Dr. Rajesh Elara Mohan, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Sawako Kaijima, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Stylianos Dritsas, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Prof. Daniel D. Frey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Christina Kay White, University of Texas, Austin
  • Dr. Daniel D. Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy
  • Dr. Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin
  • Dr. Diana Moreno, Singapore University of Technology and Design 
  • Prof. Kin-Leong, Singapore University of Technology and Design 

SUTD Logo Awarded Gold in Singapore Design Award 2010

Our logo was awarded Gold, Graphic Design in the Singapore Design Award 2010, organised by Designers Association Singapore (now known as the Design Business Chamber Singapore).

