Faculty/Staff Achievements 2018

01 Jan 2018


Associate Provost (Undergraduate Studies and SUTD Academy) Professor Pey Kin Leong has been recognised by the International Integrated Reliability workshop (IIRW 2018) and the IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) as one the top 20 experts in the world on electronic transistor Front End reliability

Professor Pey was present at the IIRW 2018 workshop, which took place from 8 October to 12 October 2018 at the Stanford Sierra Conference centre in South Lake Tahoe, US.

During the experts’ forum at the workshop, Professor Pey shared his expertise and insights at the inaugural Reliability Experts Forum during the inaugural Reliability Experts Forum which was held on 9 October. He shared his expertise and insights on front end reliability with other experts who debated industry literature, device physics and the challenges facing each of the key transistor Front End reliability mechanisms – time-dependent gate oxide breakdown (TDDB), bias temperature instability (BTI) and hot carrier degradation.

Professor Pey’s recognition demonstrates not just the technical depth and rigour of SUTD’s research efforts, but also the University’s commitment to seeking innovative and ground-breaking solutions to industry-relevant challenges. 

2018 MRS iMatSci Innovator Award

Innovation: A Design for a Better Type of Memory. Potentially Eliminating the Need for RAM and Flash Drive

Assistant Professor Desmond Loke and his team received the 2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) iMatSci Innovator award for their work on the design for a better type of memory. The team participated in the iMatSci Innovation Showcase which was held between 25 and 30 November 2018, at Boston, Massachusetts.

Prof Loke’s team developed a new type of phase-change memory device which is as fast as RAM and packs even more storage capacity than flash.

ASEAN ICT Awards (AICTA) 2018

The ICS:BlockOpS technology, developed by iTrust, was awarded Gold medal for the Research and Development category at the AICTA 2018

The technology uses blockchain to enhance the security of the data in a Historian, thus enables data immutability, redundancy, and privacy. The architecture also permits the rapid generation of alert when data is tampered with, and initiates quick recovery in case the data is actually changed. 

Associate Professor Tony Quek, Acting Head of Pillar for Information Systems Technology and Design, Named in Global Highly Cited Researchers 2018 List

For the third consecutive year, Associate Professor Tony Quek has been listed in the Global Highly Cited Researchers list for 2018.

Now in its fifth year, the list by Clarivate Analytics identifies influential researchers as determined by their peers around the globe, having consistently won recognition in the form of high citation counts with multiple papers ranking in the top 1% by citations for their field and year. Data for this citation analysis is taken from the Web of Science, which is the world’s most trusted and largest publisher-neutral citation index. This year’s list includes 17 Nobel laureates, including two announced this year: James P. Allison, Physiology or Medicine, and William D. Nordhaus, Economic Sciences.

Associate Professor Tony’s research topics include wireless communications and networking, security, big data processing, network intelligence, and IoT.

Read more about Associate Professor Tony here.

Innovation Prize at Purmundus Challenge 2018

SUTD’s research on the use of cellulose as 3D printing material, co-led by Assistant Professor Javier Gomez Fernandez and Assistant Professor Stylianos Dritsas (supported by IDC, DMAND and NAMIC), won the Innovation Prize at the Purmundus Challenge 2018. Inspired by oomycetes, the fungal-like adhesive material (FLAM) is strong, lightweight, cost-effective and most importantly fully biodegradable. The team has also presented a new perspective for additive manufacturing which proposes for a sustainable approach to 3D printing using natural materials.

The Purmundus Challenge is part of Formnext, which is the leading exhibition and conference dedicated to additive manufacturing. There were a total of 34 finalists in this year’s challenge.

SUTD Celebratory Dinner – Recognising Outstanding Service to SUTD

At the SUTD Celebratory Dinner on 30 October 2018, we recognised the contributions of out-going Board of Trustees:

Professor Quek Tong Boon

  • Mr Philip Jeyeratnam
  • Ms Jennie Chua
  • Mr Anthony Sun

We also took the opportunity to celebrate with winners of the National Day Awards 2018:

  • Public Administration Medal (Gold) – Professor Thomas Magnanti – President Emeritus
  • Public Administration Medal ( Bronze) – Dr. Wong Woon Kwong – Director (OTEM)
  • Commendation Medal – Assistant Professor Yeo Kang Shua (ASD Pillar)
  • Commendation Medal – Assistant Professor Foong Shaohui (EPD Pillar)
  • Long Service Medal – Ms Chia Wai Foong (President’s Office)
  • Long Service Medal – Yeo Lay Pheng (Office of Student Affairs)

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Design Theory and Methodology Award

Professor Kristin L. Wood, Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, received the Design Theory and Methodology (DTM) Award at the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), held in Quebec, Canada. This award recognises sustained and meritorious contributions to research; education; service; training of researchers or practitioners; overall leadership in advancing the field; or any combination of these in the field of Design Theory and Methodology.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Best Paper Award

The robotics team at SUTD Temasek Lab, led by EPD Assistant Professor Soh Gim Song received Mechanisms and Robotics Best Paper Award at the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), held in Quebec, Canada. The award is presented in recognition of their research contribution presented in “A bio-inspired miniature climbing robot with bilayer dry adhesives: design, modelling and experimentation”. The team comprises Ms. Audelia G. Dharmawan, Dr Priti Xavier, Mr David Anderson, Mr Blake Perez, Dr Hassan H Hariri, Assistant Prof Gim Song Soh, Assistant Prof Foong Shaohui, Assistant Prof Avinash Baji, Associate Prof Roland Bouffanais, Associate Prof Hong Yee Low and Prof Kristin Wood. 

National Day Award – Distinguished Service Order

For his contributions to Singapore and advancing the nation’s tertiary education landscape, Mr Philip Ng is awarded the Distinguished Service Order.

Mr Philip Ng is the Founding Chairman of the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He served from 2008-2016. He led the conceptualisation and development of SUTD, Singapore’s fourth autonomous university, nurturing it from its initial founding, into a world-class tertiary institution today. Mr Ng’s efforts laid strong foundations for SUTD in innovation and technology and put in place SUTD’s vision to build a better world by design. 
Mr Ng played a significant role in establishing partnerships with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Zhejiang University. These contributed to the development of SUTD’s design-centric, and multi-disciplinary pedagogy and curriculum.
Mr Ng is active in various spheres of public service. He serves on the SingHealth Property Committee, MOH Holdings Healthcare Infrastructure and Planning Committee, Chinese Development Assistance Council and Sentosa-Harbourfront Precinct Steering Committee Advisory Group. Mr Ng also served on the Constitutional Commission to review the Elected Presidency. He was Chairman of Sentosa Development Corporation, and was the Ambassador (Non-Resident) to the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Chile. 

National Day Award – The Public Administration Medal (Gold)

For his contributions, Professor Thomas Magnanti is awarded the Public Administration Medal (Gold).

Professor Thomas Magnanti was the founding President of the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) when it was established as Singapore’s fourth Autonomous University in 2009. 
His visionary leadership drove SUTD to organise itself in a novel way. Organising by clusters better supported the interdisciplinary nature of SUTD’s programmes and strengthened SUTD’s research capabilities.

President*s Design Award 2018

The Future of Us Pavilion, designed by Professor Thomas Schroepfer, Professor & Director, Advanced Architecture Laboratory and SUTD faculty, researchers and students, received the President*s Design Award (Designs of the Year).
Jury citation: 

The Future of Us Pavilion is a bold move in the Singapore design landscape. The successful form-finding exercise as a means of determining an intrinsically efficient structural and load-resisting form is commendable. Through the parametric and algorithmic approach, the designers have created a futuristic structure that has pushed the boundaries of design, fabrication and construction methods. The high level of integration between digital technology and building processes allowed for the rapid production of a large number of individual micro-forms that make up the overall structure. The pavilion form also optimises material usage and minimises the embodied carbon footprint. This makes the pavilion a forerunner to many impressive current and future buildings. Such successful utilisation of innovative technologies point the way forward for the industry to adopt similar design and construction methods.

In 2017, the pavilion became a permanent landmark in the Gardens by the Bay.  Renamed “The Silver Pavilion”, it plays host to important public festivals and events and has become a valuable public asset that contributes to advancing Singapore community and culture.
The President*s Design Award (P*DA) is Singapore’s highest honour for designers and designs across all disciplines. It recognises the achievements of an extraordinary group of people making a difference to the lives of Singaporeans and the global community through excellent design.

EPD Professor Yang Hui Ying received Nanotechnology Physics Medal

Prof. Yang is an innovator and pioneer of advanced materials science, such as function engineering and synthesis of low dimensional nanomaterials, for a variety of high-efficient devices and technologies with applications in sustainable energy and environment. Her team is leading the research efforts in exceptional nanomaterials and their applications in effective energy storage devices as well as scalable water purification. Her research has contributed to develop effective solutions by advancing the current science and technology to address the worldwide energy and water scarcity and offer opportunities with economic and social benefits to society. 

The Nanotechnology Physics Medal is one of the prestigious awards given to Singapore researchers who are working in the field of nanotechnology. The Nanotechnology Physics Prize was instituted by the Council of the Institute of Physics in February 2005. 

Talent Brand

SUTD ranks second amongst peers in Talent Brand Index on Linkedin. This metric evaluates the attractiveness of the brand in terms of talent acquisition. 

Institute of Human Resource Professional (IHRP) Master Professional certification

Jaclyn Lee, Senior Director, Human Resources (HR) and Head HR Tech and Analytics has been awarded the Institute of Human Resource Professional (IHRP)’s Master Professional certification that was conferred by Minister Josephine Teo, Prime Minister’s Office & Second Minister for Manpower & Second Minister for Home Affairs and Goh Swee Chen, Vice President, Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF).

This certification denotes the national HR certification framework and serves to strengthen the HR best practices.

More about Institute of Human Resource Professional certification

Nine SUTD projects awarded the Singapore Good Design Mark in 2018

Of the nine SG Mark winners, four were from the Industry category, three from the Life category and two from the Social category.



  • Potato Pirates designed by Codomo (Aditya Batura, Fendy Lieanata, Lim Jia Xuan, Seah Tat Leong)
  • Instability Desk designed by Yogiaman Tracy Design, SUTD(Kenneth Tracy)
  • Pocket Money designed by Ring Theory / SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (Edward Tiong, Jack Zhang, Kenneth Teo, Delane Foo)

Smart Nation

Three projects; namely Potato Pirates, Instability desk and TIM: Tree Inspection Microdrone, are currently exhibited at Changi Airport Terminal 4.

The Singapore Good Design Mark (SG Mark) is a benchmark for good design and quality. It acknowledges and affirms companies and individuals who have generated significant value by focusing on human needs and experience and providing solutions in their products and series in order to enhance industrial development and enrich lives responsibility. SG Mark is an initiative led by the Singapore Design Business Chamber to encourage good design according to international standards of quality.
