ŒLab on a Chip¹ poster award
Our work has been awarded a Lab on a Chip Poster Prize at the SelectBio: Circulating Biomarkers World Congress 2019, CoronadoIsland, California USA, 27th-29th March 2019.
This conference with around 200 participants features an international faculty of speakers from academia as well as industry addressing the following topic areas:
- Technologies for Isolation and Characterization: Single Vesicle Analysis Approaches
- Role in Cancer and Various Disease Classes
- Biomarker Potential for Diagnostics Development
- Therapeutics Potential and Technology Advances in the EV Field
Below is the link of the conference: https://selectbiosciences.com/pastConferences/pastconferenceID.aspx?conf=CBWC2019
In this conference, there are two poster prizes of 16 total posters. One is sponsored by the Lab on a Chip ( leading international journal), and the other one is sponsored by the Analyst. Lab on a Chip poster prize is the best one.
In the presented project, we developed an impedance-based microfluidic device by flowing cells through a series of sequential microfluidic constrictions, during which deformability, electrical impedance and relaxation index of single cells are extracted simultaneously from impedance spectroscopy measurements.
This impedance-based microfluidic cytometry provides great potential for high-throughput and label-free biophysical phenotyping of single cells and thus may be used as a diagnostic tool for some diseases associated with cell mechanical or electrical properties changes. This work has been published in the journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, which is a leading international journal devoted to research, design, development and application of biosensors and bioelectronics.