Education expenses

Tuition Grant Eligibility

Students are eligible to take up a Tuition Grant if they have not previously taken a Tuition Grant or received sponsorship/scholarship from the Government of Singapore to attain another qualification at an equal or higher level.


This includes other subsidies by MOE or sponsorship by the Singapore Government (such as government scholarships offered by the Ministries, Public Service Commission and Statutory Boards for local or overseas study).


If you have already received a Tuition Grant in your previous course at any local institution*, you will be eligible for Tuition Grant up to the normal course duration less the number of terms of Tuition Grant you have already received (i.e. Number of terms of tuition grant eligible for the new course = Normal course duration of the new course – Number of terms of Tuition Grant received for the previous course).


*institutions refer to government funded autonomous universities or institutions, i.e. National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, and LASALLE College of the Arts.

How to Apply

Application is open to enrolled students only.

Singapore Citizens

Singapore Citizens will automatically receive a Tuition Grant once they commence their studies, and do not need to submit an application. You will be asked to fill in a Tuition Grant Declaration Form as part of your online admission application form.

Permanent residents and international students

Permanent Residents and international students will need to apply for a Tuition Grant as part of their online admission application form. If you are offered a Tuition Grant together with your university place, you will also need to accept the Tuition Grant offer when you accept your place.


Online Registration
If you are offered and accept an offer of a place with Tuition Grant, you have to register at the Ministry of Education website (early September). Two guarantors of any nationality are required. The guarantors must be aged 21 and above but below 65, and must not be an un-discharged bankrupt.


Signing of the Tuition Grant Agreement
Your two sureties and you are required to sign the Tuition Grant Agreement. As the signing of the agreement will be done electronically, your sureties need not be physically present at SUTD for the signing. Further instructions on the e-signing exercise will be provided in end September.


Supplementary Agreement for Polytechnic Students
If you have received a Tuition Grant for your Polytechnic studies and have not been discharged or released from the Tuition Grant bond, you are required to sign the Supplementary Agreement.


Similarly, the signing of the Supplementary Agreement will be done electronically.

Further Information

For more information on the Tuition Grant, please refer to the Ministry of Education’s TGonline website or their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).


If you require further clarifications, please contact MOE’s Tuition Grant Section at:


Tuition Grant Section
School Placement and Services Divison
Customer Service Centre (MOE Podium Block)

Ministry of Education, Singapore
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675