98 result(s)
How do I check my application status? When will I be notified to book my conversation slot?

At any point upon your application submission, you may check your application status via the application portal.

In general, you will be notified by end April if you are selected to attend a conversation session with our faculty/leader.

What do I need to prepare before I start my online application?

The online application guide can be found here. You can also save your application and submit it when ready, before the application closing deadline.

Is there an application fee?

A non-refundable application fee of S$20 (inclusive of GST) is payable. Please note that payment must be made by the application closing date. Payment is by debit cards and credit cards only.

Can I accept more than 1 financial aid award?

Yes, students may be awarded more than one financial aid award depending on your financial situation.

What if I had applied for financing schemes such as Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA), Tuition Fee Loan (TFL), CPF Education Loan Scheme (CPFELS) and/or Study Loan (SL), but I am then given financial aid awards?

Your financial aid awards will apply first, followed by PSEA, CPFELS, TFL and SL, depending on which scheme you had applied for.

How will the financial aid awards be utilised?

Government Bursaries:
For Higher Education Community Bursary (HECB) and Higher Education Bursary (HEB), the funds will be directly credited to the recipients’ bank accounts.

SUTD Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)* and/or SUTD-administered Study/Bursary Awards:
The awards will be used to offset your tuition fees directly. Any excess will be carried forward to the following academic term.

*The grant from the SEOG may comprise donor-supported EOGs and/or donor bursary awards. Funding for hostel fees is only applicable for the Freshmore terms where hostel stay is compulsory.

SUTD-administered Special Programme/Grants:
The funds will be directly credited to the recipients’ bank accounts.

All financial aid awards do not cover Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees. Except for SEOG, all other financial aid awards do not provide funding for hostel fees.

Does SUTD administer the Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS)?

No, this subsidy is administered by Yayasan Mendaki.

Please visit the Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) page or Yayasan Mendaki’s website for more information.

Do I have to repay the financial aid awards awarded to me?

No repayment is required. However in the event that you withdraw or terminate your course of study in SUTD prematurely, you will be required to refund the monies. You will be required to inform the Office of Student Administration via email at scholarships_financialaid@sutd.edu.sg regarding your withdrawal or terminated status.

Is there financial aid for International Students?

Financial aid for International Students are very limited. International Students may apply for Tuition Fee Loan and Study Loan to help defray your tuition fees. It is important to note that the loan amount is capped at the tuition fees for a Singapore Citizen.

Outstanding International Students who have applied for SUTD scholarships may also be awarded a scholarship along with your admission offer.

Students should fully consider your financial options before deciding whether to accept the admission offer

When will I know the results for my financial aid application made during Admission?

You can expect to receive your interim financial aid offer via email when you fulfilled both of the following points:

  1. Received a successful admission outcome
  2. Submitted your complete financial aid application

Please note that the award(s) stated in the interim offer is/are subject to change after assessment of your financial need.

If you are unsuccessful in the application, you may apply again in the following year.