Financial options and aid

Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy

The scheme, funded by the Singapore Government and managed by MENDAKI, is started to help Singapore Malay students to complete their tertiary education. Full fee paying students are not eligible for this scheme.

  1. Singapore Citizen or a bona fide resident of Singapore and one of the parents (including adoptive parents and step parent), living or deceased, is a Singapore Citizen.
  2. The first component of the double barreled race as stated in applicant’s NRIC is MALAY (which includes Boyanese, Javanese, Banjarese, Bugis and Indo extract).
Subsidy Quantum
If per capita monthly household income (PCI) is S$1,400 and below 100% subsidy of tuition fees
If per capita monthly household income (PCI) is S$1,401 – S$1,700 75% subsidy of tuition fees
If per capita monthly household income (PCI) is S$1,701 – S$2,000 50% subsidy of tuition fees

Not required


No repayment is required

Application Period

Please refer to the Mendaki website for application details and timeline.

Instructions to Applicants

Please apply online at the Mendaki website.

Further Information

More information is available on the Mendaki website.


In addition, students might wish to consider other Mendaki schemes (Scholarships/ Bursaries/ Study loan Scheme) available for undergraduates.


Please refer to the FAQs.