Financial options and aid

Special programme / grant

Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) ASEAN Internship Programme

The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) ASEAN Internship Programme is established to promote global learning experiences and nurture technically-grounded talent who are effective in engaging with industry.

  • Full-time SUTD undergraduate students who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents
  • Secured an overseas internship in ASEAN that is approved by the University
    • “Overseas internship in ASEAN” primarily refers to those in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
    • Should opportunities for internships become available in other overseas ASEAN markets, these will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Good academic standing of at least CGPA 3.5
  • Priority will be given to students with demonstrated financial need of monthly household PCI (Per Capital Income) of S$2,500 and below
  • Active involvement in Fifth Row activities and/or community service


Each award, valued up to S$5,000, will be applied towards the recipients’ expenses associated with participating in an overseas internship approved by the University.

  • Recipients are required to achieve and maintain good academic standing throughout the entire programme duration.
  • The award may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the recipient’s academic progress or conduct is deemed unsatisfactory.
  • Recipients are required to take on the role of student ambassador, or any other similar role, representing SUTD to give publicity talks, to receive guests, etc., as and when called upon to do so.
  • Recipients will be required to attend an annual get-together organised jointly by the SICC and the University
  • The full set of terms and conditions will be conveyed to successful applicants.


Interested SUTD students can contact the Career Development Centre for more information.


The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) is Singapore’s longest serving, independent, voluntary business association. Founded here in 1837 its mission is to represent business interests to help maintain a vibrant economy.


SICC creates value for its members in a wide range of content rich events featuring policy makers, public intellectuals and business leaders. Value is also created in committee work which brings members together to share concerns, expertise and solutions.


The Chamber also takes thought leadership positions on human capital related issues such as employee/employer engagement and advocates a strategic approach to human capital management to achieve competency based recruitment. SICC also speaks out against ageism in the workforce and champions inclusive diversity in society.


The Chamber celebrates collaborative innovation in the SICC Awards which recognize and learn from commercial collaborations between large and small companies and between employers and employees.


SICC’s members represent the diversity of the Singapore business community: foreign and local MNCs and SMEs. With members from 40 nationalities and over 20 industry sectors, SICC remains the voice of international business in Singapore.