Financial options and aid

Decision Science Agency – SUTD Study Award

The Decision Science Agency – SUTD Study Award is established to provide financial assistance to deserving students pursuing their studies at SUTD.

  • Open to all nationalities
  • Full-time SUTD undergraduate students in any year of study at SUTD
  • Demonstrated financial need with monthly household Per Capita Income of less than S$2,250
  • Active Fifth Row/CCA and community involvement
  • Good academic standing
  • Must NOT be a current scholarship holder

Special consideration will be given to students in the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) Pillar.

  • Each Award is tenable for one year only
  • Recipients may reapply to be considered for the Study Award in their subsequent year of study, subject to good academic standing and other terms.
Benefits of Award
  • S$7,500 per academic year
  • Award is strictly for tuition fees only
  • No bond attached
Things to Note

No repayment required. The Study Award must be refunded in part or in full if student withdraws from studies or have his/her studies terminated prematurely.

Recipients must take up the Tuition Fee Grant Subsidy by the Singapore Government.

Decision Science Agency is a group of consultants and analysts that helps companies to improve the efficiency of digital marketing operations by focusing on digital strategy, usability and analytics.