Financial options and aid

Post-Secondary Education Account

The PSEA scheme started in the year 2007 with the intention to encourage parents to save for their children’s post-secondary education by maintaining a Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) for each eligible child.


This is part of the Government’s efforts to encourage every Singapore Citizen to complete his/her post-secondary education. It also underscores the Government’s commitment to support families in investing in the future education of their children, and to prepare them for the economy of the future. PSEA is not a bank account.


The PSEA is administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and is opened to all eligible Singapore Citizens. Students may use their own or their siblings’ PSEA funds to pay for course fees.

STANDING ORDER – Using PSEA Funds for payment on a recurring basis

For student using his/her own PSEA, click here for the Online Standing Order application via student’s SingPass.
(For student below 21 years old at the point of submission, please inform your parent to submit the online application on your behalf via his/her SingPass.)


For student using his/her sibling’s PSEA, click here for the Online Standing Order (Sibling) application.


This is a one-time application. Upon approval of the Standing Order by MOE, funds will be automatically withdrawn from the PSEA for payment of Tuition Fees and Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees, until the funds are used up or when the Standing Order is terminated or replaced.


Termination of Standing Order
To terminate the Standing Order, please submit the online Termination of Standing Order Form. Applicants are required to sign in with their SingPass account in order to complete the online form. Please note that submission of the FormSG to terminate PSEA SO will be sent directly to MOE PSEA Unit for processing.

ADHOC WITHDRAWAL – Using PSEA Funds for one-time payment

For student using his/her own PSEA, click here for the Online Ad Hoc application via student’s SingPass.
(For student below 21 years old at the point of submission, please inform your parent to submit the online application on your behalf via his/her SingPass.)


For student using his/her sibling’s PSEA, click here for the Online Ad Hoc withdrawal form


For more information on submitting ad hoc withdrawal FormSG, please refer to the attached guide.


Adhoc withdrawal of PSEA funds is a one-time withdrawal for use towards Tuition Fees, Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees, Compulsory Hostel-related fees (*only applicable for Freshmore students) and Overseas Programmes approved and endorsed by the University. One application form is to be submitted for each specific withdrawal in each term.


Usage Category:

  • TTF-FULLQ for Tuition Fees / Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees
  • TTF-OTHERS for Compulsory Hostel-related Fees (*Only applicable for Freshmore Students)

Course/ Fee Description:

  • Tuition Fees / Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees / Compulsory Hostel-related fees (*Only applicable for Freshmore Students)
  • Indicate clearly the term and academic year

Course/ Fee Amount:

  • Indicate exact amount to be withdrawn.

For withdrawal of PSEA funds for overseas or enrichment programmes approved and endorsed by the University, please contact us at email:



  1. Students are advised to call the Edusave/ PSEA Scheme hotline to check if there are sufficient funds in their account to cover the withdrawal amount before submitting the Standing Order or Ad Hoc Withdrawal form.
  2. The parent or legal guardian must authorise the application if the student and/or sibling is/are below 21 years old.
  3. MOE will inform students of the application outcome. A monthly Transaction Statement will be sent to the account holder if there are PSEA contributions, withdrawal or refund transactions in the previous month. Students can check with MOE, 2 weeks after the submission of the application form on the amount of funds withdrawn from their PSEA account.
Application Period
Standing Order

Applications are now open and will close on 31 January 2025.

Adhoc Withdrawal

Applications are now open and will close on 17 January 2025 for Hostel fees (*only applicable for first 2 academic terms in Freshmore year) and 7 February 2025 for subsidised tuition fees payable and compulsory miscellaneous fees.


Incomplete or late submissions will not be processed.

MOE Contact for PSEA Scheme

Edusave/ PSEA Scheme Hotline: 6260-0777
More information about the PSEA scheme.