Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship to Encourage Upgrading (LKY-STEP) Award


The Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship to Encourage Upgrading (LKY-STEP) Award was established from donations received from the former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew through the sale proceeds of autographed editions of Volume 2 of his Memoirs. The objective of the award is to encourage skill upgrading and lifelong learning. The awards will be offered each year to outstanding polytechnic graduates pursuing their first full-time undergraduate degree at National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) or Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).


Applicants must:

  1. Be Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents.
  2. Be matriculating into a full-time undergraduate degree course at NUS/ NTU*/ SMU/ SUTD/ SIT/ SUSS in Academic Year 2024/2025.
  3. Possess outstanding local polytechnic diploma (preferably Diploma with Merit) or SIT (Poly-FSI) qualifications.
  4. Excellent co-curricular records.
  5. Strong leadership qualities and potential.

* With the exception of Biomedical Sciences & Chinese Medicine programme for which the award will only cover the first three years of study at NTU.

Benefits of the Award

Recipients will receive:

  1. One-time cash award of S$3,500.
  2. Subsidised tuition fees (after Tuition Grant) will be waived by the university if LKY-STEP Award holders are unsuccessful in securing a scholarship.
  3. There will be no bond attached to the Award. All Singapore Permanent Residents are still required to serve the three-year bond applicable under the MOE Tuition Grant Scheme.

Terms & Conditions
  1. Award holders must commence their study in any full-time undergraduate programme at NUS/ NTU/ SMU/ SUTD/ SIT/ SUSS in the same academic year of application.
  2. Recipients of the award are allowed to hold concurrent scholarships offered by NUS/ NTU/ SMU/ SUTD/ SIT/ SUSS or other organizations.
  3. The Award covers the normal duration of the undergraduate studies on the condition that the recipient maintains good academic performance and satisfactory conduct. Academic performance will be reviewed every term.
  4. The Award may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the award holder’s progress or behaviour has not been satisfactory.
  5. If the award holder decides to terminate the scholarship prematurely, a repayment will be imposed.

Application Procedures
  1. Application period: 15 April to 13 May 2024
  2. SUSS is the secretariat for the LKY-STEP Award for AY2024/2025.
  3. Access SUSS’s webpage to submit your application during the application period.


Selection Interview

  1. Scholarship selection interviews will take place in June 2024.
  2. Only applicants shortlisted for an interview will be informed via e-mail in June. Applicants that are not shortlisted will not receive any e-mail communication.