Architectural Energy Systems
ASD 20.203: Architectural Energy and System
Yehezkiel Wiliardy
Adjunct Lecturer
Zheng Kai
Faculty Fellow
Students Involved
Team 3: Audrey Chan | Chen Ran | Chin Kee Ting | Rachel Lau | Benjamin Chong
Team 6: Naomi Wong |Grace Sim |Teo Shao Tian |Lucas Ngiam |Lester Lim
Team 8: Tay Boon Kiat | May Thinzar | Natalie Tsang | Sean | Simon
About the Projects
The goal for sustainable design in the built industry is to minimize energy consumption used for construction and during the use of the building. The pursuit begins with understanding of the climate; figuring the challenges and opportunity of the site at different times of the years. The process continues on evaluating the immediate surrounding on solar access and wind potential into the site. The massing process is evaluated to optimize the use of solar for the occupants and how it affects natural ventilation potential into each dwelling units. Finally, each unit and façade options are studied to search for the most comfortable living, not too dark yet not too glaring during occupied hours. The approach taken for this project is purely environmental. Each decision from massing, programmatic, and unit arrangement are simulated and driven to reduce the energy consumption of the building.
The three teams work on three different locations, each with its own environmental settings; Boston, Toronto, and Ho Chi Minh. Each group has goal to identify the comfort opportunities and challenges to make the most sustainable residential towers while reducing the energy consumption. Following are the reports.