Chinese New Year 2014

Project Info
For the third time since 2012, SUTD’s ASD Pillar has been approached by the ‘Kreta Ayer Kim Seng Citizen’s Consultative Committee’ (KAKSCCC) and the ‘Singapore Tourist Board’ to design the street-light-up Chinatown Chinese New Year Celebrations 2014 , lasting from 11 January until 28 February 2014. 19 Freshmore students from student-initiated club ‘Sutdio’, under the guidance of their design mentors, ASD professors Oliver Heckman and Bige Tunçer, worked for months on the design concept for the Chinese New Year Chinatown Street Light-Up 2014, which surrounds the theme of 婉馬奔腾,馬到成功. (10,000 horses galloping in grace towards success) The students substituted ‘万’ (10,000) with ‘婉’ (Grace), incorporating the gentleness, grace and fluidity of the horses’ galloping motion into their design concept.This inspired the students to develop the overall design of a dynamic and fluid continuity of galloping horses interweaved among ribbons. Above the roads are thousands of coin-shaped lanterns which appear to fall from the skies, ushering in the new year with wealth and prosperity. Additionally, the students complemented this year’s design with an interactive fringe installation on the Garden Bridge, inviting the public to see for themselves the evolution of the Chinese character of the horse, 馬.