Original source from: http://asd.courses.sutd.edu.sg/option-studio-one/2020/10/28/community-home-gifu-ex-prefecture-office/
Community Home is a social space for the residents of Gifu City to comfortably gather and interact with each other on a regular basis. It functions as a community kitchen and garden, as well as an extension to the neighboring Media Cosmos to provide additional private reading and workspace.
The community kitchen will be open daily for locals to gather, cook and eat meals together. During off peak hours, it will simply function as a café. Visitors can choose to eat together after cooking in the communal dining area or eat with their friends and family in the private dining areas. The community garden will be used to grow simple edible plants that can be used in the meals cooked. These spaces aim to promote social interaction and support, fostering relationships between participants and creating a sense of belonging in the community, especially for locals who may live alone or struggle to lead healthier lifestyles due to budgetary constraints.
It also aims to bring the building in the civic district of Gifu closer to nature by creating a ‘forested’ area surrounding the building, complementing the goal of the new city hall and Media Cosmos building to create a green base connecting Gifu Station, Nagara River and Mt Kinka.