Elastic Architecture

Project Title
Outreach Program 2020 (ATOP) – Elastic Architecture
Project Duration
16 January 2020 – 18 January 2020
Project Info
ATOP is a 3-Day Architecture Workshop targeted at JC students. The theme this year is “Elastic Architecture”. As student mentors, we prepared a series of lessons and activities for the participants to have a deeper understanding of the concept behind “Elastic Architecture”. These lessons include a hands-on kit-building activity, a computation lesson, sketching lesson, and a mini project on the last day that show cases everyone’s creativity in visualizing an imagined city.
Professor Kenneth Tracy
Student Lead
Kwan Wai Hin
Student Team
Mauricio Mari Jaelle Salas, Koh Jie Ying,Yang Funing, Syed Faizaanullah, Ang Kang Xian, Ang Yang Zhi Julius, Lin Xiaoyu, Valent Tan Wei Ren, Huang Sirui Serene, Michelle Wijaya, Keith Lim Jun Hong, Megan Lee Xian Ying, Nurul Nazeera Binte Yazid, Tai Yu Jie, Wong Siong Min, Lee Yin Jie, Sandy Low Yu Xian, Ng Yun Shu, Tan Pei Wen, Grace Teo Yu Cheng, Chong En Xin Charis, Solai Lakshmi Priya, Jonathan Chan Fan Keng, Kuan Yi Heng, Joshua Ng Kay Wern