Form Axioms II | Megan Riri Moktar

Ending of with a personal reflection, the future that many designers have envisioned are most of the time, pictured as a utopian sci fi city, that is very alienating and different from what the world is today

Ending of with a personal reflection, the future that many designers have envisioned are most of the time, pictured as a utopian sci fi city, that is very alienating and different from what the world is today

my personal take on this is that, the future, evnthough equipped with advanced geo-engineering developments, can be filled with designs that adapt to the evolving needs of the people, with an understanding and acknowledgement of their rich histories

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Categories: 20.112 Sustainable Design Option Studio 2Core ModulesCurriculum ProjectsResearch and ProjectsStudent ProjectsSustainable Design Option Studios
