Homelessness in Singapore

Project Info
Little documentation of homelessness exists in Singapore. To most Singaporeans, the phenomenon is ill understood, under-represented and entangled in taboo. In the absence of a formal definition set by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, homelessness in this study is understood as a condition of deprivation, often of access to social and economic opportunities, that manifests in the lack of a permanent residence. This study traces the homeless experience from its causes to the complexity of institutional aid, and to adaptive strategies employed by the homeless individual. The study visualises the relationship between homelessness and the built environment, and closes with a proposal for alleviating homelessness through Singapore’s urban spaces.
Faculty/Student Names
- Prof. Chong Keng Hua
- Aurelia Chan
- Bianca Gill
- Eileen Lim
- Louise Chia
- Pang Xin Hua
- Tan Chu Er Joey
- Melissa Mak Li Ping
- Nabila Larasati Pranoto
- Yeow Zhi Wei Michael Augustine
Project Duration
Sep 2015 – April 2016