Floorplan Manual Housing
People Involved
Oliver Heckmann
Project Info
The book documents and analyzes 165 international housing projects. It shows the latest developments in housing and places them in the context of exemplary designs from the past 65 years. This manual is distinguished by the typological and conceptual breadth and by the extensive time period covered by the selection of examples. The selection of projects is based first and foremost on the outstanding features of the floor plan, with the focus on projects that are exemplary and transferrable and on concepts that are innovative and trendsetting. Diagrams illustrate the unique characteristics and spatial qualities of each floor plan. These, the systematic representation, and the typological description of all projects allow readers to compare and evaluate the floor plans and the embedded strategies.
(Fourth, Revised and Expanded Edition, edited by Oliver Heckmann, with Friederike Schneider – Birkhäuser 2011)