Dense+Green Cities

Thomas Schröpfer. Dense+Green Cities: Architecture as Urban Ecosystem. Basel: Birkhäuser 2020. 324 pages.
Dense+Green Cities explores the interaction between buildings and the city as ecological systems through questions of concept, planning, design, technology, and not least experience. The dimensions of “green building” are discussed in international expert essays and analysed through benchmark case studies, and presented with analytical drawings prepared exclusively for this book— in an effort to understand and evaluate some of the most innovative Dense+Green Cities of recent years in Asia, the Americas, and Europe.
Dense and Green Agendas
Dense and Green: An Alternative History of the City
The Collective Power of the Single Building
Green Spaces and Ecosystem Services
Green Buildings and the Ecological Picturesque
Dense and Green Dimensions
Learning from Singapore
Dense and Green at the Future Cities Laboratory
Surface Temperature
Construction and Maintenance Costs of Integrated Green Spaces
Economic Benefits of Vegetation on and Around Residential Developments
Dense and Green Case Studies
Dense and Green Future
Future Trajectories
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