Artificial Intelligence for Managers
Programme Outline
Day 1
- Introduction to the module and faculty, programme flow and pre-assignments.
- Project instructions, project briefing and assignment of groups
- Assignment of prework
- Learning of key concepts from pre-reading material set by professors
- Preparation of cases set by professors
- Identification of personal learning goals of the current module set by oneself
Day 2
- Learn the Three Components of Machine Learning: Data, Model and Loss
- Understand AI through groupwork by modelling real-life situation
- Deep dive into Machine Learning: Deep Learning, Model Validation and Selection, unsupervised machine learning
- Learn to use clustering methods for grouping large collections of data points into few coherent clusters
- Learn to use dimensionality reduction methods to learn relevant features of a data point
- Acquire hands-on experience in applying basic methods in AI through groupwork
- Explore opportunities and challenges of applying AI in business
Day 3
- Overview and history of AI
- Understanding the relationship between data and AI
- Discussion of case studies on the use of AI in business
- Algorithms for recommending items for consumers
- Approaches for detecting anomalies in data
- Hands-on exercise
Day 4
- Understanding and processing text in business
- Tools for reinforcement learning
- Hands-on exercise
- Methods for explaining outputs from AI systems
- Understanding the limitations of AI
- AI Ethical and Societal Issues
- Wrap up and next step
Day 5
- Project presentation
Multiple methods of assessment are used to provide an opportunity for the participant to demonstrate their learning results with a variety of learning styles.
These include:
- Pre-assignment due before in-class session
- Class contribution
- In-class assignments (group work and presentations during the module)
- Take-home assignment due after in-class session
Subject Credits
Upon completion and satisfying the requirements of passing this course, learners will be awarded 12 subject credits.