Data Storytelling with Visualisation

Programme outline

Learning Objectives and Structure
  1. Perform the visualisation component for the role of a junior data scientist or business intelligence role
  2. Extract insights visually from exploratory data analysis process
  3. Interpret convoluted patterns and meaningful insights with the help of data visualisation tools
  4. Visualise data set relevant to the model findings
  5. Build presentation-ready dashboards for managers
  6. Leverage on the infographic to communicate complex ideas across easily
  7. Visually illustrate findings with the aid of data storytelling

Programme Structure: Participants will go through 4 days of training. Class will reconvene on the 5th day for a presentation as part of the course assessment.

Day 1 and 2

Data storytelling – principles and practical application

  • Data Science and Data Storytelling
  • Audience Assessment
  • Narrative Development
  • Visuals and Dashboard Best Practices
Day 2 and 3

Tableau fundamentals – practical introduction

  • Basic understanding of Tableau and what it does
  • Tableau interface, key functionalities, and useful features
  • How to create basic Tableau visualizations to answer simple business questions
  • How to put together a Tableau dashboard from the basic visualisations
Day 3 and 4
  • PowerBI Fundamentals – practical introduction
  • Basic understanding of PowerBI and what it does
  • PowerBI interface, key functionalities, and some useful features
  • How to create basic PowerBI visualisations to answer simple business questions
  • How to put together a PowerBI dashboard from the basic visualisations

Participants will be assessed via group based project presentation on the 5th session of the course. There will also be formative assessment and case studies to assess a participant’s understanding and competency.

Subject Credits

Upon completion and satisfying the requirements of passing this course, learners will be awarded 12 subject credits.

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