Thia Wei Soon
Instructor, SUTD Academy
Wei Soon has more than ten years of experience working in the manufacturing and IT sectors. He worked as a data scientist using data analytics and machine learning to deliver actionable insights and drive strategic marketing initiatives. In recent years, as a technology consultant, he successfully helped clients to streamline enterprise operations and achieved cost saving through the adoption of robotic process automation.
Wei Soon has a Master of IT in Business Artificial Intelligence from Singapore Management of University and a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University. He is proficient with tools such as Tableau, Jupyter, RStudio, MS Visual Studio, Automation Anywhere, UiPath, and programming languages such as Python, R, C#, HTML5, and JavaScript.
Narayan Venkataraman
Assistant Director, Data Management & Informatics, Changi General Hospital
Narayan (Nari) is a Data Science and Biomedical professional with more than 22 years of experience in healthcare with diverse portfolio spanning data science, health informatics, data governance, medical technology, clinical quality and operational analytics, patient safety and risk management.
He is currently the Assistant Director, Data Management & Informatics at Changi General Hospital, Singapore. Recipient of the Singapore Commendation Medal 2022 for Covid19, he is a member of the CGH Covid19 Taskforce and many strategic committees at CGH and SingHealth (SHS). He has completed many medical projects across the Asia-Pacific region representing Singapore MOH and MFA. He is also an honorary biomed consultant for Smiles Asia and has volunteered for many surgical missions in Asia and Oceania. His current academic interests cover robotic process automation, AI/Machine Learning, data visualisation, risk analytics and enterprise data literacy.
Oh Hong Choon
Deputy Director, Health Services Research, Changi General Hospital
After earning his doctoral degree in engineering in 2009, Hong Choon has been involved extensively in operations research (OR) related studies in various public healthcare institutions in Singapore. Besides being invited regularly to give talks or conduct workshops on healthcare OR, he has received funding support for several research studies as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator. Moreover, Hong Choon is also lead author and co-author of several peer-reviewed publications in both clinical and engineering journals. His current research interests are in the areas of optimisation under data uncertainty, discrete event simulation, predictive modeling and cost effectiveness evaluation.
As the current Head of the Health Services Research (HSR) unit in Changi General Hospital (CGH), Hong Choon leads a team of 11 analysts in projects related to data analytics, programme evaluation and health technology assessment. All these projects are primarily initiated with the ultimate goal of enabling CGH to make informed decisions or to deliver better patient care. In addition, Hong Choon also has secondary appointments as Deputy Director at SingHealth Centre for Population Health Research and Implementation and as Adjunct Assistant Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School.
Dr Jansen Koh Meng Kwang
Assistant Chairman, Medical Board (Performance Excellence) & Chief, Senior Consultant, Respiratory Medicine, Changi General Hospital
Dr Jansen obtained his MBBS from the National University Hospital of Singapore in 2001. He is the Head of Department for Respiratory & Critical care Medicine Changi General Hospital and currently the Chair of the Chapter of Respiratory Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. He heads the Center for Performance Excellence in his capacity as Assistant Chairman Medical Board, Changi General Hospital, and is the co-director for the Changi Simulation Institute. He is a Fellow at the Academy of Medicine Singapore, Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh and American College of Chest Physicians.