Robotics and Automation


Part of the ModularMaster in Technology and Management programme

Automation and Robotics involves the synergistic integration of mechatronics, control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization and is crucial in transition to digitization as well as a technology platform to construct new businesses and entrepreneurial ventures.
This specially crafted hands-on program aims to spark intellectual curiosity and engage business leaders, senior executives and entrepreneurs with a broad inter-disciplinary training and practical experience in the field of automation and robotics.

Course Details

Course Dates:
Not available

Who Should Attend

The course is for business leaders, senior executives and entrepreneurs responsible for leveraging the possibilities created by digitalization and building innovation powerhouses within their companies.


We recommend the course for change managers, core strategy team members, business managers and product development managers. The course is suited to key functions like marketing, operations, IT, strategy, and general management.

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