Robotics and Automation


Foong Shaohui

Academy Fellow
Associate Professor, SUTD


Dr Foong Shaohui is an Associate Professor in the Engineering Product Development (EPD) pillar at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2011.


He is currently the principal investigator for the Aerial Innovation Research (AIR) Laboratory @ SUTD and has significant expertise in unmanned systems and robotics and works closely with the Ministry of Defence Singapore (MINDEF) on developing intelligent micro spherical ground robots (Project STARS) and nature inspired aerial crafts (Project MONOCO) which adapts the dispersal mechanism of maple seeds to achieve efficient flight.
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Assistant Professor Tomasz Piotr Kucner

Aalto University


His research and teaching interests are focused on the problems related to the safe and robust navigation of autonomous robots in challenging environments. He is especially interested in solutions assuring safety while not jeopardizing efficiency. Over the span of his research career, he has taken part in multiple research projects where he has been actively collaborating with industrial partners across Europe (i.e., BOSCH, Kollmorgen, Electrolux, Volvo CE, NCC). His key research expertise lies in the areas, of spatial models of dynamics, map quality assessment and localization quality monitoring. He is also actively working in the areas of standardization and is currently vice-chair of two working groups within the IEEE Standardization Association.


Professor Valeriy Vyatkin

Aalto University


Dr Vyatkin is Professor of Information and Computer Engineering in Automation at Aalto University, Finland on joint appointment as Chaired Professor (Ämnesföreträdare) of Dependable Computation and Communication Systems, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden. He has been leading research projects related to software and systems engineering for cyber-physical automation systems, intelligent energy, logistics and transportation, addressing such aspects as dependability, distributed architectures and multi-agent systems applied in various industry sectors: SmartGrid, material handling, building management systems and reconfigurable manufacturing,  funded by the National Science Foundation (USA), Vettenskap Råd(Sweden), Academy of Sciences (Finland), various national and private agencies in Japan, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland and the EU.  Valeriy is an active IEEE volunteer for about 20 years, IEEE Fellow, currently serving as Vice-President for Technical Activities of Industrial Electronics Society.

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