It’s been an amazing experience working with the students. They showed professionalism in both technical and project management aspects which are essential skills in today’s design and tech industry. It is always an eye opener to hear fresh perspectives from them and the management is impressed with the quality of ideas. Look forward to more opportunities to work with them!
DBS Bank Ltd
We are especially pleased with the team’s presentation. I would like to commend their efforts and am greatly impressed to see the team’s prototype and their ability to promptly come up with an improved design following our trial.
dnata Singapore Pte Ltd
The DAI looks to me an excellent program to generate the future AI talent for business and consultancy.
Mr Hong Cao
Head of Data Science, Ernst & Young LLP
We started a collaborative industry project with SUTD DAI students. We gave them the design brief, afterwards there was a site visit. We only had 3 milestone meetings with them, and the students surprised us with the results of the project. They showed a strong design methodology in their approach to the project and the final prototype was a working conceptual model. We were impressed also with the students’ presentation skills, and they show good teamwork. We shall look forward to more collaboration with SUTD and also getting them to intern with our companies. We believe this is a WIN-WIN for both industry and SUTD.
Meiban Group Ltd
The students were proactive and were able to find and create solutions on their own. They worked well together, understood the brief and came out with a good product!
Monstyr Pte Ltd
We are very happy with the idea that the team have came up with and with what they have learned and achieved in such a short period of time.
P&G Singapore
SUTD’s new programme will equip students with much needed complementary skills in design and AI. This gives them an edge to impact the world.
Dr Terence Hung
Chief of Future Intelligence Technologies, Rolls Royce
AI is a new area. Designing AI into a traditional engineering system is often an afterthought. An AI-capable system should incorporate AI into its design at the onset. It will benefit the industry if AI & DI can be fused seamlessly into all AI product designs.
Dr Peh Chin Hwee
Vice President, Head of Intelligent Systems (Robotics & Autonomous, Systems), ST Engineering
SUTD’s AI degree is relevant in building a pipeline of multi-disciplinary data scientists and AI engineers.
Mr Johnson Poh
Executive Director & Head Enterprise AI, UOB Group, UOB