Design innovation consultancy

The Heartbeat of DI



We are a group of world-leading interdisciplinary designers, technical professionals, and researchers leading the world of design. The team functions to develop fundamental and ground-breaking results in design science as well as to fulfil the mission of a better world by design through a porous interface with industry, government, and social projects.


We leverage the ethos of a human-centered design approach with fundamental scientific studies in technology to create solutions to real world problems, opportunities, and grand challenges.

Team Principal
Prof. Kristin L. Wood
Visiting Professor,
Director of Design Innovation & Design Odyssey
Founding Head of Pillar (EPD)
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)


Dr. Wood leads the development of design strategies, representations, and methods (Design Science) that will result in more comprehensively designed businesses, design tools, innovative products, innovative manufacturing processes, and design teaching aids at the college, K-12, and industrial levels.

Our Design Innovators
Wee Yu Hui
Senior Design Engineer
Vaughn Langen
Lead Facilitator,
Design Education
Beatrice Ng
Business & Design Strategist
Lester Lim
Design Innovator,
Architecture & Art Direction
Jubilee Tai
Design Innovator,
Design & Content Strategist, UI/UX
Eion Goh
Design Innovator,
Sports Architecture & Project Management
Dishi Gautam
Design Innovator,
Product Design & Design Engineering
Siska Kristanti Lim
Design Engineer,
Software Developer
Catherine Wee
Industry Development & Collaboration
Distinguished Alumni
Lorraine Teo
Founder, CEO, Peithos
Lim Xin Yan
Senior Innovation Executive, Peithos
Adya Sadanand
Senior Innovation Lead, Peithos
Joyce Wee
Ashley See
Assistant Manager, SGEnable
Natalie Tsang
Jeanette Lee
Graduate Student, Innovation by Design, SUTD
Angelina Eva Pereira
Talent Acquisition at
Sujithra Raviselvam
Postdoctoral Researcher at TU/e
Sio Lim
Global Innovation Business Partner at Prudential
Kenneth Teo
UX Designer at GovTech

Justin Noah Chua

UX Designer at IBM

Ashreya M Venkatesh
Asisistant Manager at Deloitte SEA Innovation Team
Lim Ying
Graduate Student, Architecture and Sustainable Design at SUTD
Amanda Swee
UX Designer at Tookitaki
Sabrina Png
Strategic Designer at Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Matt Chiu
PhD Candidate, Design Science at SUTD
Dongwook Hwang
Assistant Professor at Kwangwoon University
Carlye Lauff
Assistant Professor at University of Minnesota
Tan Wei Hua
Senior Design Engineer at Lionsbot International Pte Ltd
Blake Perez
APAC Manager at nTopology
David Anderson
Founder and CEO at Engora, Inc.

Ada Altybayeva

Lan Lan
Senior Researcher at Hitachi
Zack Sichong Huang
Design TechOps at Apple
Delane Foo
Design Strategist at Johnson & Johnson
James Tan
Assistant Principal Engineer at ST Engineering
Subarna Basnet
Director at MIT International Design Center
Jan Auernhammer
Research Engineer & Executive Director at Stanford University
Paul Mignone
Principal Marketing Strategy & Technical at BHP
Jack Zhang
Senior Development Engineer at A*STAR
Angela Ho
Executive and Leadership Coach, Life Coach, Freelance
Karen Sng
Digital Specialist at McKinsey & Company
Susan Conover
Co-founder and CEO at LuminDx

Nur Ashikin


We are experts in co-creation and providing professional education to build capabilities in Design Innovation. All our workshops are designed to introduce participants to design innovation, its contribution to value creation, and hands-on exercises to train design innovation methods while co-creating for the next big project.


Prototype-driven User Discovery

We believe that breakthrough insights emerge from immersing users in stimulating experiences. This is why we will build-in mini prototyping iterations and 4D sprints to stimulate user experiences and quickly test disruptive ideas. The latent needs that are revealed are fed back into Discover and Define phases to assist us to realise deeper insights and foresights that have greater potential.


Design-Engineering Business

Design Innovation sits at the sweet spot of design innovation, with the right mix of design researchers, business professionals and engineering veterans who can deliver a desirable, viable and feasible vision and strategy. With our blend of design, engineering and business expertise, our team has helped multiple industries design and adapt for sustainable, technology-led disruptions

What's next

Let's co-create

Get in touch

Contact our team to learn more about how we can work together.