Multi-source data management mechanism and platform
Technology Title
Multi-source Data Management Mechanism and Platform
Technology Overview
This technology includes a multi-source data management mechanism with delicate components to address issues in multi-source data collection, analysis, integration, mining and distribution, and a first possible embodiment of the mechanism a multi-source data management platform to manage data from five sources with a high scalability and performance is also presented.
The product can be a commercialized multi-source data platform. The application domain can be various. However, the platform is initially designed to create a city data management platform for Smart Cities. Moreover, such platform can also enable new services, such as DaaS (Data as a Service), which share the data managed by the platform to third parties, and Data management as a Service, which helps organizations to manage their multi-source data.
This technology can be sold to all the countries, especially the ones that are interested in managing multi-source data to improve the smartness of their cities. The best example is Singapore. The industries can also be various, but based on the service enabled by the platform, the best fit companies are cloud service providers, especially the ones provide data management services, e.g. SAP, IBM, etc.
Technology Specifications
The mechanism includes the following:
- Data Collection Component to collect raw data from multiple sources actively and passively;
- Data Analysis Component to cleanse and analyze raw data and to generate analyzed data;
- Data Integration Component to consolidate and integrate analyzed multi-source data for a consistent and unified data network linked through data integration dimensions;
- Knowledge Mining Component to mine knowledge from analyzed data on-line and off-line;
- Data storage component to support CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations of four kinds of data, namely raw data, analyzed data, integrated data and mined knowledge consistently; and
- Data Distribution Component to share multi-source data generated in different phases.
Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector
Market Opportunity
There is a growing market in the AEC industry for both consultants as policy makers to have a better understanding of how various data streams can yield better designs in the built environment for better and more human centred solutions. This technology enables a platform that can achieve this goal.
Applications of this technology are web-based platforms that bring together muti-source, multi scale, multi-time data for use by AEC industry players.
Customer Benefits
This technology benefits tailored solutions for customers that yield data-driven designs that are convincing for clients.
IP Status
US Patent US11461367B2 (Granted)
Stage of Development
MANAGER: Dennis Chan