Ultra low-loss integrated dispersion compensation devices

Technology Title

On-chip, silicon photonics-based dispersion compensation device for high-speed data transmission


Technology Overview

An integrated, CMOS-compatible, compact device that provides dispersion  compensation of dispersion in optical fiber. Dispersion impairments is a well-known  problem in the transmission of high-speed data over fiber, that limits both the fiber  reaches, or poses lower limits on the power required. The technology developed  allows a seamless, very low loss method for compensation of fiber dispersion,  providing high magnitudes of dispersion for countering dispersion in optical fiber.  Without dispersion compensation, signals are susceptible to degradation from optical  fiber dispersion, with the extent of degradation worsening with longer fiber reaches. Without proper dispersion compensation, transmitted data will experience high Bit  Error Rates (BER) at the receiver. This technology solves this important problem and  increases the fiber reaches which may be served.

Technology Specifications 
  • Dispersion magnitude is scalable through appropriate design, depending on the  fiber lengths that need to be compensated for.  
  • Operating wavelength is tailorable.  
  • Tunability may be introduced through thermo-optic control. 
  • Dispersion compensation is applicable for both intensity modulated direct  detection modulation formats and coherent modulation formats. 
  • This device is CMOS-compatible, low loss and operates in transmission mode.
  • May be seamlessly integrated with photonic integrated circuits. 

Telecommunications, data centers, transceiver companies.

Market Opportunity 

Telecommunications, data centers, transceiver companies.


Telecommunications, data centers, transceiver companies.

Customer Benefits 

Increases transceiver reaches, provides either pre- or post- dispersion  compensation, very low loss. This would allow existing transceiver products to serve longer reaches, or support higher data rates. It would also open up new opportunities for new product lines which provide integrated dispersion compensation, reducing the complexity of deployment for network operators.  


Very low cost, requiring only integration of the device within the transceiver chip, negligible increase in power budget.

Stage of Development  

Reduced to practice. We have experimentally demonstrated that the technology  works. High-speed characterization using 30 Gb/s NRZ and 30 Gbaud/s PAM4 data  showed a restoration of the eye diagram that deteriorated after propagating through  2km of optical fiber. BER characterization showed a 1.3dB improvement in power penalty out of a 1.8dB degradation at the error-free (BER = 10-12) level. Scalable dispersion has also been experimentally proven.







Dr Ler Ser Yeng


EMAIL: seryeng_ler@sutd.edu.sg





A/P Dawn Tan


EMAIL: dawn_tan@sutd.edu.sg