
65 result(s)
Karthyek Murthy amp Dai Gengling Singapore University of Technology and Design - Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute
10 May 2023
Karthyek Murthy & Dai Gengling (Singapore University of Technology and Design) – Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute
Karthyek Murthy & Dai Gengling (Singapore University of Technology and Design) – Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute

10.00 am – 11.00 am
SUTD Think Tank 19 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute
10 May 2023
Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute
Karthyek Murthy & Dai Gengling (Singapore University of Technology and Design) – Presentations by the Aviation Studies Institute – Engineering Systems and Design (ESD)

10.00 am – 11.00 am
SUTD Think Tank 19 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
2023 ESD DBA Project Showcase
19 April 2023
2023 ESD DBA Project Showcase
The Data and Business Analytics course provides an introduction to the Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) pillar. It focuses on using industrial or commercial data to identify an opportunity for system improvement and estimating the value of this improvement to the system owner. A signature feature of the course and the primary motivation for the course material comes from a team-based, semester-long project for an external client.

3.30 pm – 5.00 pm
SUTD Campus Centre Level 2 8 Somapah Road
Marie Kratz ESSEC Business School - Building up Cyber Resilience by Better Grasping Cyber Risk via a New Algorithm for Modelling Heavy-Tailed Data
17 April 2023
Marie Kratz (ESSEC Business School) – Building up Cyber Resilience by Better Grasping Cyber Risk via a New Algorithm for Modelling Heavy-Tailed Data
Cyber security and resilience are major challenges in our modern economies; this is why they are top priorities on the agenda of governments, security and defense forces, management of companies and organizations. Hence, the need of a deep understanding of cyber risks to improve resilience. We propose here an analysis of the database of the cyber complaints filed at the French Gendarmerie Nationale. We perform this analysis with a new algorithm developed for non-negative asymmetric heavy-tailed data, which could become a handy tool for applied fields, including operations research. This method gives a good estimation of the full distribution including the tail. Our study confirms the finiteness of the loss expectation, necessary condition for insurability. Finally, we draw the consequences of this model for risk management, compare its results to other standard EVT models, and lay the ground for a classification of attacks based on the fatness of the tail. This is a joint work with M. Dacorogna and N. Debbabi.

11.00 am – 12.00 pm
SUTD Think Tank 19 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
Mok Sze Xin Ernst amp Young - Technology and Data in the World of Commercial Trade and Supply Chains
03 April 2023
Mok Sze Xin (Ernst & Young) – Technology and Data in the World of Commercial Trade and Supply Chains
Mok Sze Xin (Ernst & Young) – Technology and Data in the World of Commercial Trade and Supply Chains

6.30 pm – 7.30 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 5 (Building 2, Level 5) 8 Somapah Road
Technology and Data in the World of Commercial Trade and Supply Chains
03 April 2023
Technology and Data in the World of Commercial Trade and Supply Chains
Global supply chains have experienced tremendous disruptions over the last few years resulting in a pursuit of resilience. While there are many ways of creating resilience in an enterprise’s value chain including the more headline grabbing trends of re-shoring, securing critical minerals; there are also companies pushing hard for digitalization of cross border operations to better cushion foreseeable and unforeseeable shocks. The use of big data and technology initiatives is not only limited to the private sector but also in the public sector as well. The speaker will share on some of the big data initiatives being adopted in a seemingly far removed world of commercial trade and supply chains.

6.30 pm – 7.30 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 5 (Building 2, Level 5) 8 Somapah Road
Yang Shanshan ASTAR - Supply Chain 40 and Supply Chain Control Tower
21 March 2023
Yang Shanshan (A*STAR) – Supply Chain 4.0 and Supply Chain Control Tower
Greater uncertainty in global trade flows and black swan events, such as COVID-19, have increasingly challenged the current supply chain business model. Digital technologies have been recognized as a key enabler for enabling resilient and responsive supply chains. In this seminar, the speaker will share about the ongoing research program Supply Chain 4.0, which aims to research and co-develop digital and automation technologies with industry members to enable responsive, resilient and secured supply chain management processes to prepare company for the ever volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) global supply chain environment. Details of the three research themes will be shared, which include Supply Chain Connectivity, Data-Driven Optimization and Smart Warehouse Automation for next generation logistics.

6.30 pm – 7.30 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 5 (Building 2, Level 5) 8 Somapah Road
Zhang Yangjing Chinese Academy of Sciences - On Efficient and Scalable Computation of the Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Mixture Models
23 February 2023
Zhang Yangjing (Chinese Academy of Sciences) – On Efficient and Scalable Computation of the Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Mixture Models
The nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation (NPMLE) is a classic and important method to estimate the mixture models from finite observations. The discretization of the infinite dimensional probability measure with a fixed support in the NPMLE leads to a finite dimensional convex optimization problem. Although can be solved by off-the-shelf interior point based solvers, the algorithm does not scale well with the number of grid points and the number of observed data points. In this talk, we propose an efficient and scalable semismooth Newton based augmented Lagrangian method (ALM). By carefully exploring the structure of the ALM subproblem, we show that the computational cost of the generalized Hessian (second order information) is independent of the number of grid points. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of our approach.

10.00 am – 11.00 am
SUTD Think Tank 20 (Building 2, Level 3) 8 Somapah Road
Dor Liniado Standard Chartered Bank - Information and Cyber Security Risk It is that easy  Is not it
20 February 2023
Dor Liniado (Standard Chartered Bank) – Information and Cyber Security Risk, It is that easy – Is not it?!
Financial institutions (FIs) are leading targets of cyber-attacks. Banks are where the money is, and for cybercriminals, attacking banks offers multiple avenues for profit through extortion, theft, and fraud, while nation-states and hacktivists also target the financial sector for political and ideological leverage. Regulators are taking notice, and raising the bar and their expectations from FIs to ensure customers data and funds are well protected.

Within our session we will discuss on the everchanging cyber landscape, the emerging threats and the challenges they bring to financial insinuations and the people who operates in the Information and Cyber Security space.

Dor will refer to the SUTD graduates program within SCB and how the grads can contribute to the Information Cyber Security program within SCB.

6.30 pm – 7.30 pm
SUTD Lecture Theatre 5 (Building 2, Level 5) 8 Somapah Road
Rajan Udwani University of California Berkeley - Submodular Order Functions and Assortment Optimization
16 February 2023
Rajan Udwani (University of California, Berkeley) – Submodular Order Functions and Assortment Optimization
We define a new class of set functions that in addition to being monotone and subadditive, also admit a very limited form of submodularity defined over a permutation of the ground set. We refer to this permutation as a submodular order. We give fast and best possible approximation algorithms for constrained maximization of submodular order functions. Applying this new notion to the problem of assortment optimization, we obtain new and, in some cases, the first constant factor guarantees for constrained assortment optimization in fundamental choice models. We also show an intriguing connection to the maximization of monotone submodular functions in the streaming model, where we recover best known approximation guarantees as a corollary of our results.

9.00 am – 10.00 am