Optimisation of a Banking Call Center Performance Using Queueing Model
“Anonymous Bank” is one of the largest banks in Israel. It has a call centre which provides telephone call service to its bank customers where customers call in for various kinds of information. While having an optimal number of operators at the call centre will greatly improve its performance, the current number of operators is only determined based on rule-of-thumb, no modelling has been involved before.
Our project aims to find the optimal number of operators at the banking call centre. In achieving so, receiving and serving times of a month’s incoming calls were analysed. Based on the data pattern, we concluded M/M/s model best described our call centre. To decide the optimal number of operators, we defined four performance measures: the expected waiting time, the expected number of waiting customers, the probability that an incoming customer will have to wait, and the call centre “service level”, then the optimal number of operators was determined by applying certain thresholds on these four measures.
Team Members
Dou Jinghan
Tay Zhi Yinn Sean
Wang Jiayang
Wang Nuo
Wang Tian
Wong Yongxiang