Preventing Stockout for Highly Transacted Products within GSK Advance

GSK Advance is a Singapore based company founded in 2002, which specialises in supplying a large variety of building and sealing materials to other companies in Singapore.

GSK Advance is a Singapore based company founded in 2002, which specialises in supplying a large variety of building and sealing materials to other companies in Singapore. Should their warehouse have an insufficient inventory level to meet the demands of these construction clients, GSK Advance reorders from their suppliers following continuous inventory review. However, due to stochastic demand of incoming client projects, they often face stockout for their highly transacted goods. Furthermore, having been reliant on intuition and prior experience when reordering through suppliers, their inventory levels are inconsistent which could lead to revenue loss when clients switch to competitor firms. Hence, the objectives that they have requested from us include preventing stockout for their most highly transacted goods and formulating a strategy that alleviates the problem of stochastic demand. Other notable properties about their service operations include the erratic lead time faced due to the differing geographical locations and inventory levels of suppliers.

Team Members
  • Chan Heng Huat Jordan
  • Chan Kian Quan
  • Choo Yong Sheng
  • Vaishnavi Divya Shridar
  • Max Lee Kang Bin