Queue Analysis for CGH Pharmacy

In line with efforts to curb the spread of the pandemic, the pharmacy located at Changi General Hospital’s medical centre building was reorganized in terms of the layout and more importantly, the deployment of manpower to the various service stations available-registration, payment, and dispensing.

In line with efforts to curb the spread of the pandemic, the pharmacy located at Changi General Hospital’s medical centre building was reorganized in terms of the layout and more importantly, the deployment of manpower to the various service stations available-registration, payment, and dispensing. Manpower count that they usually enjoyed in times of normalcy was reduced to the extent that it resulted in higher average waiting times and greater queue lengths for the three patient types for their medicine collection process. Hence, this project aimed to utilise the models learnt in the duration of the course to analyse and propose effective solutions to reduce the waiting times within acceptable means with the resources they have available.

Team Members
  • Mohamad Arshad
  • Chong Wei Tong
  • Lian Damian
  • Muhammad Maaz
  • Max Koh
  • Tan Peck Kee