Sort It Out

Sort It Out is a game where you optimize your sorting centre and drones to complete deliveries. Choose number of drones at the start while the number of queues will be fixed to 2.

Sort It Out is a game where you optimize your sorting centre and drones to complete deliveries. Choose number of drones at the start while the number of queues will be fixed to 2. During gameplay, drag and drop items into a queue and available drones will deliver the item! Our simulation made 11 deliveries within 60 seconds, try to beat that! If you are unable to beat this, the number of lost sales will be shown after the game so that you can plan for future rounds. The goal is to maximise profits by completing deliveries. You can select more drones but be careful: drones cost money and will affect your final score so try to find a balance. We hope players learn that CTMC modelling can help to optimise service and how service rates change with varying number of drones (servers), to eventually maximise efficiency while balancing cost of manpower.

Team Members
  • Yang Yuan Fah
  • Yang Chenye
  • Jenifer Bachtiar
  • Alyssa Ong