Data Science & Analytics

This field, situated at the intersection of technology, statistics, and business strategy, is dedicated to extracting valuable insights from diverse datasets. Utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, data scientists analyze information to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations, driving innovation across industries.
64 result(s)
Data-driven Thinking for Measuring the Human Experience in the Built Environment
B. Tunçer, F. Benita, 2021, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 20 (2), 316-333,
Determinantal Point Processes Based on Orthogonal Polynomials for Sampling Minibatches in SGD
R. Bardenet, S. Ghosh, and M. Lin, 2021, Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS),
Exploiting partial correlations in distributionally robust optimization
D. Padmanabhan∗, K. Natarajan, K. Murthy, 2021, Mathematical Programming, 186, 209-255,
Growth of Common Friends in a Preferential Attachment Model
B. Das and S. Ghosh , 2021, Stochastic Models, 37(3), 427-447,
Human Mobility Behavior in COVID-19: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis
F.Benita, 2021, Sustainable Cities and Society, 70, 102916,
Hykernel: A Hybrid Selection of One/two-phase Kernels for Triangle Counting on GPUs
M Almasri, N Vasudeva, R Nagi, J Xiong, WM Hwu, 2021, IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-7,
INFORMS Annual Meeting TutORials Speaker
Karthyek Murthy, 2021
Integrating Empirical Analysis into Analytical Framework: An Integrated Model Structure for On-Demand Transportation
Yuliu Su, Ying Xu, Costas Courcoubetis, and Shih-Fen Cheng, 2021, The Proceedings of the 2021 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, ICSS 2021: AI and Analytics for Smart Cities and Service Systems, 300–315,
K-clique Counting on GPUs
M Almasri, I El Hajj, R Nagi, J Xiong, W Hwu, 2021, arXiv e-prints, 2104, 13209
On the Heavy-tail Behavior of the Distributionally Robust Newsvendor
B. Das, A. Dhara and K. Natarajan69, 2021, Operations Research, 69 (4), 1077-1099,