Machine Learning & AI
At the forefront of technological innovation, Machine Learning involves crafting algorithms for autonomous learning, while AI simulates human intelligence. Integrating multi-agent systems and game theory enhances decision-making in complex environments, finding applications in finance, cybersecurity, and resource management.
Probability Bounds for N Random Events Under (n− 1)-wise Independence
K Natarajan, A Ramachandra, C Tan, 2023, Operations Research Letters, 116-122,
When Congestion Games Meet Mobile Crowdsourcing: Selective Information Disclosure
H. Li and L. Duan, 2023, The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Submodularity and Pairwise Independence
A Ramachandra, K Natarajan, 2022, SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-38,
Distributionally Robust Linear and Discrete Optimization with Marginals
L Chen, W Ma, K Natarajan, D Simchi-Levi, Z Yan, 2022, Operations Research, Volume 70, Issue 3, 1822-1834,
Admission Control In the Presence of Arrival Forecasts with Blocking-based Policy Optimization
K. Murthy, D. Padmanabhan, S. Bhatpp. , 2022, Winter Simulation Conference, 2270 – 2281,
Cloud-native Workflow Scheduling using a Hybrid Priority Rule and Dynamic Task Parallelism
J Shin, D Arroyo, A Tantawi, C Wang, A Youssef, R Nagi , 2022, Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Cloud Computing, 72-77,
Combining Retrospective Approximation with Importance Sampling for Optimizing Conditional Value-at-risk
A. Deo, K. Murthy, T. Sarkerpp. , 2022, Winter Simulation Conference, 891 – 902,
Confidence Regions in Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Estimation
J. Blanchet, K. Murthy, N.Si, 2022, Biometrika, 109(2), 295 – 315,
Design and Performance Analysis of Partial Computation Output Schemes for Accelerating Coded Machine Learning
X. Xu, X. Lin, and L. Duan, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 10(2), 1119 – 1130 ,
Distributed Double Auction Mechanisms for Large-Scale Device-to-Device Resource Trading
S. Gao, C. Courcoubetis, and L. Duan, 2022, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 31(3), 1308 – 1323,