Transportation & Aviation
Are integral components of the global mobility ecosystem, facilitating the sustainable movement of people and goods across vast distances. Transportation encompasses a spectrum of modes, including road, rail, maritime, and aviation, working in concert to connect regions and drive economic activities.
Submodularity and Pairwise Independence
A Ramachandra, K Natarajan, 2022, SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-38,
Distributionally Robust Linear and Discrete Optimization with Marginals
L Chen, W Ma, K Natarajan, D Simchi-Levi, Z Yan, 2022, Operations Research, Volume 70, Issue 3, 1822-1834,
A GPU Accelerated Dual-Ascent Algorithm for the Multidimensional Assignment Problem in a Multitarget Tracking Application
S Vadrevu, R Nagi, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume 20, No. 3, 1706-1720,
Admission Control In the Presence of Arrival Forecasts with Blocking-based Policy Optimization
K. Murthy, D. Padmanabhan, S. Bhatpp. , 2022, Winter Simulation Conference, 2270 – 2281,
Associations Between Street Connectivity and Poverty
F.Benita, 2022, Networks and Spatial Economics, 22 (1), 181-201
Comparing COVID-19 in the Antipodes: Insights from Pandemic Containment Strategies on Both Sides of the Pacific
F. Benita, L. Fuentes, L. A Guzmán, R. Martínez, J. C.arlos Muñoz, H. Neo, S. Rodríguez-Leiva, J. Soza-Parra, 2022, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 15, 100660,
Effects of Urban Park Spatial Characteristics on Visitor Density and Diversity: A Geolocated Social Media Approach
IT. Chuang, F. Benita, B. Tunçer, 2022, Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, 104514,
Efficient Algorithms for Ride-hitching in UAV Travelling
S. Li, M. Li, L. Duan, V. C.S. Lee, 2022, Theoretical Computer Science, 99, 140-156,
Extremal Probability Bounds in Combinatorial Optimization
D Padmanabhan, SD Ahipasaoglu, A Ramachandra, K Natarajan, 2022, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Volume 32, Issue 4, 2828-2858,
Online and In-person Activity Logging using a Smartphone-based Travel, Activity, and Time-use Survey
A. Alho, C. Cheng, D. T. Hieu, T. Sakai, F. Zhao, M. Ben-Akiva, L. Cheah, 2022, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 13,