ASD Gradshow 9: Öh!
Öh!, the ninth iteration of SUTD’s Architecture & Sustainable Design (ASD) Graduation showcase. Consolidating works by the B.Sc (ASD) students from the Class of 2024, these students showcase their Örigin point, their Ödyssey through, and their Öutlook towards Architecture.
Join us for the opening event on Friday, 19th July 2024, 7pm (SGT). Through each project, we invite you, the audience, to go “Öh?” at their curious exploration, “Öh!” at their surprise discoveries, and “ÖÖÖ!!” at their learning journey. Please refer to the information in the attachment for more details.
Date: Friday, 19th July 2024
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Venue: SUTD Campus Centre, Building 2 Level 1 (8 Somapah Road Singapore 487372)
The physical exhibition will be available for viewing at 8 Somapah Rd S487372, Singapore University of Technology and Design Campus Centre, Building 2 Level 1 from 19th July to 2nd August 2024.
Registration link:
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