James Trevelyan (The University of Western Australia) – Engineering Practice – Social Science Research
James Trevelyan (The University of Western Australia) – Engineering Practice – Social Science Research
Little has been written on how the social culture that hosts an enterprise influences engineering practices.
Research has identified four major performance weaknesses associated with social culture and education gaps.
- Lack of understanding by engineers on value creation,
- disappointing project delivery performances by engineers,
- inappropriate expectations, values and work habits limiting workplace performances by early-career engineers, and
- social culture in some low-income countries seems to impose performance barriers for engineers.
Social science and humanities research could help overcome these weaknesses. The chapter shows how South Asian culture influences engineering practice and offers suggestions for social science and humanities scholars seeking rewarding research opportunities.
Link to book chapter original manuscript:
About the Speaker
Emeritus Professor James Trevelyan is an engineer, educator, researcher and recently became a start-up entrepreneur in his 70s.
He is commercializing new energy saving, low emissions air conditioning technology for a global market.
His pioneering research on engineering practice is now widely recognised. His books “The Making of an Expert Engineer” and “Learning Engineering Practice” are influencing the future of engineering education in universities and workplaces.
He is well-known internationally for pioneering research on sheep shearing robots and for the first industrial robot that could be remotely operated via the internet in 1994, one of the first demonstrations of the ‘Internet of Things’.
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