
326 result(s)
Professor Yow Wei Quin Visited Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design and the Tsinghua Future Lab
24 May 2024

Professor Yow Wei Quin Visited Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design and the Tsinghua Future Lab

Innovation without age limits
11 May 2024

Professor Yow Wei Quin, Head of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at SUTD, writes about recent studies challenging the notion that older adults are inherently less creative or innovative than their younger counterparts.

Advantages of Early Bilingualism
06 May 2024

As individuals age, both their bodies and brains undergo changes. Certain brain regions shrink, and the communication between neurons becomes less efficient. According to Professor Yow Wei Quin from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), these structural and functional changes contribute to an age-related decline in cognitive function, affecting language, processing speed, memory, and planning abilities.

Economies take off with new airports: Research shows positive impacts of airport investments
03 May 2024

Be it for work or vacation, chances are that many will have passed through an airport. In the largest cities, the airport presents to travelers the first glimpse of a new land and a reflection of the surrounding city. Beyond first impressions, airports stand as an important economic hub for local policymakers, with a continuous flow of goods and passengers fueling the urban economy.

How older workers can add value to their companies
22 April 2024

How older workers can add value to their companies

Gratitude – the secret to happiness in life
13 April 2024

Uncle Lin is an enthusiastic volunteer at the community centre and has been dedicated to serving the community for many years. He has a happy family with two children at home to share family affection and joy with him. However, as he grew older, many of his old friends passed away and his children moved out to start their own families. These changes made Uncle Lin feel increasingly lonely and forgotten. His life was once filled with scenes of laughter and joyous gatherings, but now he is the only one left to recall the past within the four walls of his home. Especially during the holidays and weekends, when neighbours and family members gather together, Uncle Lin can only look out the window and feel an unspeakable loneliness in his heart. As he went out less and less, he began to feel the loneliness and helplessness of old age.

The Big Read in short: Why youths prefer texting to phone calls
12 April 2024

The Big Read in short: Why youths prefer texting to phone calls

Idea Fest – “How The Humanities and Social Sciences Can Help Us Hack The STEM Fields” event successfully concluded on 3 April 2024
05 April 2024

Thank you for your tremendous support in “How The Humanities and Social Sciences Can Help Us Hack The STEM Fields” roundtable discussion held on 03 April.

Meet the creators making Singapore history come alive on TikTok
05 April 2024

SINGAPORE – On TikTok, you might have come across lesser-known aspects of Singapore’s history.

Accounts such as Historyogi and Urbanist Singapore are run by home-grown creators passionate about the past and keen to make it fun and accessible. They have found an audience by posting archival material, such as audio and video clips, as well as fascinating trivia about the island nation.

Tokyo University of Science (TUS) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Strengthen Academic Cooperation
27 March 2024

Tokyo University of Science’s School of Management and Singapore University of Technology and Design’s Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Cluster (HASS), Engineering Systems and Design Pillar (ESD)