Undergraduate courses

Digital Humanities Minor

Welcome to the Digital Humanities (DH) Minor!


This ‘road map’ will guide you to successfully completing the minor.

What is Digital Humanities (DH)?

As an increasing proportion of cultural production takes place in the digital sphere, and as more and more cultural objects are digitized (or are born-digital), the confluence between the digital and the humanistic keeps deepening.


Digital Humanities is a new, interdisciplinary academic area that is concerned with the relationship between the humanities on the one hand, and the digital/computational (broadly defined) on the other hand. Digital Humanities as a field has two main areas. One area of Digital Humanities is about digitally aided study of human culture: it consists of utilizing tools and techniques from digital computation with data to help with inquiry in the humanities, such as analysis and interpretation of human cultural phenomena such as literature and the arts. The second area within Digital Humanities is about the humanistic study of digital culture — that is, broadly speaking, of all cultural activity that is carried out digitally.


As data-oriented technologies penetrate deeper into all aspects of human life, engineers, technologists and designers of tomorrow will find themselves designing and building tools, platforms and systems that interact intensely and deeply with the complexity of human culture. Learners in the DH concentration will make use of the big-picture perspective that the field of humanities provides to understand how the digital meshes with the world of the human. They will complement the technological knowledge they acquire as SUTD students with a capacity for critical thought about the nuances of, and limits to, the applicability and effectiveness of that technical knowledge.

The DH Mission

To educate future technologists, designers and engineers who wish to:

  • pursue their interest in humanities to a deeper level
  • understand how:
    • digital methods can be used for producing humanistic knowledge
    • the arts and humanities can help the creative and mindful use of digital technology
Course Requirements

To graduate with the DH minor, students must successfully complete (with a D grade or above) the following courses:

  1. “Global Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, and Ethics” (HASS 02.001, formally “World Texts and Interpretations”)
  2. The DH core course, “Introduction to Digital Humanities: Principles and Methods” (HASS 02.137DH)
  3. Any combination of four courses from the list below. This list will continue to grow as new courses are added.

Students will know which HASS electives count towards the DH minor by a ‘DH’ within the course code. HASS electives with ‘HT’ at the end of the course code can also be counted. For example, 02.132DH, 02.139HT.


Step-by-Step Guidelines


  1. Declare DH Minor before the beginning of Term 4. This can be done in the student portal.
  2. Term 4 – Enroll in the DH core course.
  3. Term 5 through 8 – Enroll in one of the approved DH electives from the table below.

For more information on our application process, please refer to this document.


For students who intend to participate in Global Exchange Programme (GEXP), the overseas HASS courses must be approved for DH mapping. All student’s requests for new course mapping must be submitted with a brief justification on how the class meets the following criteria of the minor.


The largest assessed part of the course must concern either the application or the investigation of the digital (as a piece of technology or as an era we live in) as it relates to the humanities subject matter.

Approved DH Electives
Course Code Course Title
02.102HT The World Since 1400
02.105DH Sages through the Ages: Readings in Early Indian and Chinese Religion and Philosophy
02.108DH Modern China: Pluralism, and Beyond Territoriality
02.110DH The Chinese Lyrical Tradition: Arts, Literature and Landscape Design
02.115DH Global Shakespeares
02.120DH History of Traditional Chinese Short Fiction
02.121DH The Question of Being
02.124DH The Modern East Asian Nexus – A History
02.127DH Satan and His Afterlives in Literature and Film
02.128DH Classical Indian Literature and Art
02.129DH Shakespeare, Race, and Religion in the Renaissance World
02.132DH Being and Time
02.135HT The Question of Technology
02.136DH Lyrical Poetry
02.143DH Artificial Intelligence and Ethics
02.144DH Being in the World: from Homer and Heidegger to A.I.
02.148HT Geographies of Money and Finance
02.151HT Digital Worlds, Space and Spatialities: Geographical Perspectives on Digitalisation
02.155HT Design Anthropology
02.156DH Games of Histories
02.158DH Kings, monks, and merchants: A history of Asia before 1750
02.159HT Equitable Tech: Reimagining Our Digital Infrastructures
02.161DH Moral Questions and the Contemporary Novel
02.162DH Asian-American Literature: from the food memoir to the graphic novel
02.164DH Performance: Design, Dramaturgy and Interpretation
02.167HT Fashion: East and West (Special Topics)
02.170HT History of Surveillance in Modern Asia
02.172DH Imagine Dragons: Monsters and Outcasts in Literature, from Beowulf to Murakami
02.173DH The Medium and the Message: An Introduction to Media Theory
Employment Prospects and Industry Support

A robust immersion into combining technical and humanistic skills, the minor will leave students well placed to apply to cutting-edge jobs in a number of fields, including, data science, geospatial information services, heritage and conservation, social media, and media arts upon graduating from SUTD.


Feedback from industry partners:

“As our society adopts machine learning and AI more aggressively, we need to be ever more mindful of socioemotional and cultural aspects of human interaction and communication. A digital humanities minor will provide engineering and design students with the critical awareness of these complex dimensions of humanity so that their innovations can be cutting edge but human-centric.”

“This Digital Humanities minor is exactly what industry needs at this point – technologists who are sensitised and sharpened to all aspects of the human condition, while having firm foundations in digital infrastructures, computational analysis and big data. I welcome the entry of more professionals with this crucial but rare combination of skills sets.”


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