Evelyn Chew

CHEW Evelyn



Social Sciences


Evelyn is a lecturer at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in the Social Sciences. She holds a M.A. in International Communication and International Business from Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) and a PhD in Communication and New Media from the National University of Singapore. Her doctoral research examined how subjective lived experience is conveyed in computer-mediated interactive life narratives. She subsequently furthered her research as a Digital Research Fellow at the National Library Board, where she explored life narratives of women in Singapore in pre-independence Singapore.

Prior to joining SUTD, Evelyn was a Research Fellow with the National Healthcare Group Polyclinics, where she was engaged in qualitative research work using interpretive phenomenological analysis and thematic analysis. Studies included patients’ lived experiences of diabetic amputation, asthma, and navigating healthcare with multimorbidity, as well as patients’ perspectives on remote blood pressure monitoring and video consultations during Covid-19.

In another life altogether—in her first job as an editor—she also co-wrote a children’s reference book, Times 1000 Words Around the World. Of all her publications, this one continues to be closest to her heart, despite being out of print.

  • PhD Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore, 2018 Thesis: “How Can I Tell You What I Felt?”: Conveying Subjective Experience in Computer-Mediated Interactive Life Stories
  • MA (International Communications), M. International Business, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2008
  • BA (Hons), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Literature & Psychology), National University of Singapore, 2002
  • Licentiate, Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy, 2010
Selected Key Publications

Digital narrative and subjective experience

  • Chew, E. C., & Mitchell, A. (2020). Bringing Art to Life: Examining Poetic Gameplay Devices in Interactive Life Stories. Games and Culture, 15(8), 874-901.https://doi.org/10.1177/1555412019853372
  • Chew, E., and Mitchell, A. (2019). “Multimodality and Interactivity in “Natively” Digital Life Stories.” Poetics Today Special Issue 40(2): 319-353.https://doi.org/10.1215/03335372-7298578
  • Chew, E., and Mitchell, A. (2016). “How Is Empathy Evoked in Interactive Multimodal Life Stories?” Concentric Literary and Cultural Studies 42 (2): 125-49.
  • Chew, E., and Mitchell, A. (2016). “ ‘As Only a Game Can’: Re-Creating Subjective Lived Experiences through Interactivity in Non-Fictional Video Games” in Subjectivity Across Media: Interdisciplinary and Transmedial Perspectives, Maike Sarah Reinerth and Jan-Noël Thon (eds.), pp. 214–32.

Healthcare research

  • Chew, E. A., Lee, M. C., Bartlam, B., Goh, L. J., Dong, L., & Zhu, X. (2024). Between hope and despair: experiences of precariousness and precarity in the lived experiences of recent diabetic amputees in primary care. Discover Social Science and Health, 4(1), 5.
  • Chew, E., Teo, S. H., Tang, W. E., Ng, D. W. L., Koh, G. C. H., & Teo, V. H. Y. (2023). Trust and Uncertainty in the Implementation of a Pilot Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring Program in Primary Care: Qualitative Study of Patient and Health Care Professional Views [Original Paper]. JMIR Hum Factors, 10, e36072. https://doi.org/10.2196/36072
  • Lee, P. S. S.,Chew, E. A. L. (co-first author), Koh, H. L., Quak, S. X. E., Ding, Y. Y., Subramaniam, M., Vaingankar, J. A., & Lee, E. S. (2023). How do older adults with multimorbidity navigate healthcare?: a qualitative study in Singapore. BMC Primary Care, 24(1), 239.
  • Teo, V. H., Teo, S. H., Burkill, S. M., Wang, Y.,Chew, E. A., Ng, D. W., Tang, W. E., & Koh, G. C. (2024). Effects of technology-enabled blood pressure monitoring in primary care: A quasi-experimental trial. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 30(1), 121–130.https://doi.org/10.1177/1357633X211031780
  • Lee, E. S., Lee, P. S. S.,Chew, E. A. L., Muthulingam, G., Koh, H. L., Tan, S. Y., & Ding, Y. Y. (2020). Video Consultations for Older Adults With Multimorbidity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Protocol for an Exploratory Qualitative Study. JMIR Research protocols, 9 (10), e22679.